SOWT in the Guard or Reserves?


Four locations, two dedicated weather units:

107th WF (MIANG) Selfridge ANGB MI (near Detroit)
181st WF (TXANG) JRB Carswell, TX (Dallas/Ft Worth area)

Two Special Tactics Sqdns wit a small SOWT:
123STS, Louisiville KY
125STS Portland OR

123STS and 107WF are pretty selective.

Shoot me a PM if you have any questions.
How are some units more selective than others? I thought the military just sent you where they needed ya.
How are some units more selective than others? I thought the military just sent you where they needed ya.

It's the Guard. Some units have waiting lsts for people to get in.
They are SOF; which means they have higher PT and training standards then the average Guard unit.