Spartan8617 - Introduction


Eager To Learn
Aug 31, 2010
East Coast
Hello all, I am a recent college grad with a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science. I am "in holding" (their term, not mine) for a position with the gov't. Forgive me, but I'm not too sure about how much I can say on here (I'm new to this, haha). I am looking to join either the Army Reserves or Regular Army (preferably MI for my MOS). I'm honestly bothered by the idea of going into Intel without a military background and am considering putting the potential gov't job on hold and serving. The only problem I have with seeking a commission is that I used to have asthma when I was young (last major incident occurred when I was 12).

Wow, that was a lot. Well, that said, I'll be asking more questions here, instead of answering them.
So you've been offered a civilian Federal job and are also considering enlisting into the Military (reserve or active) correct?
Yeah, sorry if that came out a bit convoluted. I interviewed a few months ago and they told me I was in holding, but as I'm sure a number of you know, that could mean over a year of waiting before I begin.
I wouldn't worry about not having a mil background, they should teach you everything you need to know. Sometimes for those three letter places not having a mil background can be a good thing, if that's what you meant by intel.

Welcome to SS.
Yeah, sorry if that came out a bit convoluted. I interviewed a few months ago and they told me I was in holding, but as I'm sure a number of you know, that could mean over a year of waiting before I begin.

Yeah thanks for clearing that up :rolleyes:

You comprehend English? Did you read my post?
Oh? Hmm, that's interesting, never thought of that. And yes, that's what I meant by intel. And thanks for the warm welcoming, everyone!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd. TIME!

Pardus, that has to be a new record for sarcasm to a new guy! Well done!

Welcom, spartan. have fun.
No Pardus, as a matter of fact, I generally disregard everyone's posts, but my own. That's why I always win my arguments...wait a minute, ooohhh. Never mind.

Oh, and just so everyone knows (or rather, if anyone cares), I am a history geek at heart, not obsessed with that crappy 300 movie, thus the name.