Special Operations Weather


Verified SOF
Aug 14, 2006



Special operations weathermen are meteorologists with advanced tactical training to operate in hostile or denied territory. They gather and interpret weather data and provide intelligence from deployed locations while working primarily with Air Force and Army Special Operations Forces.

They collect localized weather intelligence, assist mission planning, generate accurate and mission-tailored target and route forecasts in support of global special operations, conduct special reconnaissance and train foreign national forces.

Other combat weather capabilities include: training members of U.S. Army Special Operations Command to take and communicate limited weather observations, collect upper air data, organize, establish and maintain weather data reporting networks, and determine host nation meteorological capabilities.

Every Army Special Operations Forces mission is planned using the intelligence and coordination of special operations weathermen.

Special Operations Weathermen

The 10th Combat Weather Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Fla., is assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command to provide special operations weather teams for worldwide deployment. Their motto, "Coela Bellatores," or "Weather Warriors," reaffirms the commitment to deploy into restricted environments by air, land or sea to observe and analyze all weather data from “mud to sun.”

Special operations weathermen are collocated and deploy with elements of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s special forces groups, Rangers and Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

Special operations weathermen also join forces with combat controllers and pararescuemen to form highly trained AFSOC special tactics teams. A special tactics team frequently operates with Navy SEALs, Army Rangers and Special Forces in direct action, airfield seizure, foreign internal defense and unconventional warfare.

Operating in all climates, day or night, special operations weathermen maintain the highest standards of physical fitness and proficiency in the use of light weapons. Their training, as well as their unique mission, earns them the right to wear the gray beret.


Special operations weathermen conduct the same technical training as all Air Force weathermen. Unlike other special operations forces, special operations weather only recruits from existing resources within the weather career field. Special operations weather training includes AFSOC's Advanced Skills Training based at Hurlburt Field, Fla., which produces combat ready special tactics operators through an intensive mentoring training philosophy.

Initial Skills U.S. Army Airborne School, Fort Benning, Ga. -- Trainees learn basic parachuting skills required to infiltrate an objective area by static line airdrop in a three-week course.

U.S. Air Force Basic Survival School, Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash. -- This two and a half-week course teaches basic survival techniques for remote areas. This includes instruction of techniques in survival, evasion and escape.

U.S. Air Force Water Survival School, Pensacola Naval Air Station, Fla. -- This one-week course teaches basic water survival techniques.

Initial Skills Training, Hurlburt Field, Fla. -- This unit-level training provides newly assigned weathermen those skills necessary to deploy and operate in permissive and semi-permissive environments. The six-week training includes basic communication, navigation and employment techniques, weapons training and small unit tactics.

Advanced Skills

Air Force Special Operations Command Advanced Skills Training -- Advanced Skills Training employs a "warrior training warrior" philosophy, teaching the skills necessary for successful service in the Special Tactics community. The six-month training school includes advanced communication, navigation techniques, employment techniques, weapons training and small unit tactics.


During World War II, Army Air Forces combat weathermen supported the American effort against the Japanese in the China-Burma-India theater of operations. They also participated in the European theater at Normandy Beach, France; and in the Netherlands and Yugoslavia.

The 10th Weather Squadron reactivated at Udorn Airfield, Thailand, to conduct combat weather operations in Southeast Asia on June 16, 1966. The squadron trained indigenous weather personnel and set up the clandestine weather observation networks throughout Southeast Asia.

Special operations weathermen have directly participated in the majority of modern special operations contingency operations since Operation Urgent Fury, the U.S. invasion of Grenada working with other special operations and conventional forces. These recent successes include operations Just Cause in Panama, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Task Force Ranger operations in Somalia, Uphold Democracy in Haiti, operations in Bosnia and counter narcotics operations in South America, as well as ongoing operations in support of Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
Eyes said:
Dude, has more US Army "Cool guy" awards and decorations then most Army Operators...

Yeah and to top it off their gear is always brand new and top of the line. I remember saying "wow nice knife...how much did that set you back?"

"Dont know, The AF covered the bill ;)"

Bitches! lol
So I take it, they are Door kickers as well as knowing what the weather is going to be??

I am interested in crosstraining into SOW. I understand there may be a chance to X-train sometime in FY08. I am wanting to talk to someone in SOW, to get some real time information on the career field etc... Any Special Operations Weather guys out there?
Will I be a B.O.B

I just found out I am getting promoted to E7 (Master Sergent).

I still want to crosstrain into SOW, if it is posssiple, but I am wondering if this will turn me into a Back Office Bitch or will I still be able to shoot, move and communicate?

Anyone know what the duties for a MSgt in SOW are?
I just found out I am getting promoted to E7 (Master Sergent).

I still want to crosstrain into SOW, if it is posssiple, but I am wondering if this will turn me into a Back Office Bitch or will I still be able to shoot, move and communicate?

Anyone know what the duties for a MSgt in SOW are?

Either way, congratulations on getting selected for promotion.

From what I've heard promotions in the AF are glacial.
I know this thread is old, but I couldn't find one that I thought this question fit into. So this is more directed towards the member named SOWT on this page but anyone can respond. How often does SOWT actually see combat? I know this may seem like a childish question but
Sorry, hit the wrong button. Anyway I've done research on my own (asking outside sources, looking at pages such as military.com and the likes) but I found that this is a question that can only really be answered by someone who is a veteran of the unit. Thanks for your time.
There's not a ton of info out there. Check out the Special Operations Weather Team Recruiting page on Facebook. There's contact info, email them for their FAQ, it has a lot of good insight. You can ask them any further questions directly. There's also a good power point lurking around online about the career field that's not too hard to find.