SWCC's Philly Rescue


SOF Support
Jun 15, 2008
PHILADELPHIA - July 7, 2010 (WPVI) -- U.S. Navy Special Warfare Combatant crewman stationed out of Norfolk, Virginia were visiting Philadelphia for Navy Appreciation Day when a "Ride the Ducks" boat was hit by a barge on the Delaware River, sending more than 30 people into the water.

A pair of Mark V Special Operator boats pulled into the dock at the Seaport Museum, following a tree-planting ceremony at the Walnut Street Dock.

Members of Special Boat Team 20 had been preparing for the ceremony when they heard the distress call.

"We heard a distress call on our mari-brand radio, quickly fired up our boat, got under way to respond, took us approximately 5 minutes," Senior Chief Charles Weaver of the U.S. Navy said.

With the Mark V's support vesssel, the Zodiak, in the water, a crew of 5 Navy rescuers spotted several accident victims.

"They assisted 3 victims in the water and I cross-decked one of my personnel over to a police boat to assist extracting a 4th person from the water," Weaver said.

Crew members of the Mark V then used its depth finder to conduct a bottom study of the river where it did detect what they thought might be the duck boat.

"We guided the police and Coast Guard to that location so that, hopefully, if it was in fact the boat involved the accident, they would quickly find it," Weaver said

While the crew was not expecting to be part of a rescue mission today, it is what the men are trained to do.

"I'm very fortunate that my men are very well adept and trained to react on very short notice to virtually any type of situation on the water; that training came in very handy today and I'm very pleased with them," Weaver said.

The Navy SEALs and Special Forces (SWCC) will be offering behind the scene tours of the Mark V's throughout the day Thursday. They'll return to Virginia Friday morning.

(Copyright ©2010 WPVI-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

We have those stupid duck boats where I live. Glad nobody got hurt, but I'd be so happy to see all of ours at the bottom of the bay :evil:

Nice job to the SWCC guys though.
A slightly off-topic question.

How do they transport the MkV's for stateside shows like this, by ground w/ tractor-trailer, by air in a C-5, or would they just pilot the boat by water from Little Creek to Philly??

........and they never head 'em commin'....
Beware of the little black helo's! Asking questions like that may get you in trouble. :evil:



My bad, didn't really think it would compromise OPSEC since it pertains to a stateside show. I was just curious how much funds/resources are spent to transport assets like the MK V SOC to public events like this one.

I remember as a youngster, watching all kinds of expensive trash get loaded into C-5's when we were stationed @ HM-15 in Alameda, CA, mostly 53 echos though, but not alot of shadowy guarded Spec ops go-fast stuff.

So I will answer my question then, The boats get around one way or another.

:uhh: I hope the lil black birds don't come and mutilate my cows or something! :P