T.M.I. (medic course):


Verified Military
Jul 30, 2008
Wrong side of heaven, righteous side of hell
So, I am being sent by the squad I work for regarding tactical medical training. I am currently (not persec) a tactical medic for the county Major Incident Response Team (MIRT) and the township TEMS team. Anybody ever hear / or know the reputation of Tactical Medics International out of Florida. I have done my homework, been to their website and the class is being held in N.C. (Salemburg) in december. They hold TCCC classes (although I know anybody can do that now) and also are certified under USSCOM to teach TCCC / advanced medic training. My question is: Do any of the 18D's / P.J.'s or other heard of them and what do you think. I can't figure out how to post a link / when I do I will and if / when I do get this class, maybe we can link up.

I have honestly never heard of an 18D going to a civilian medical course. That is just me though. We run our own(company) training. Civilian medical schools? I wish.
Never trained with them. However, I can tell you that one of their staff members, Doug Kleiner, was the NTOA TEMS section chair in 2008. He's since been replaced by Dave Rathbun, late of LASD. Beyond that, I can't tell you much.

It's a shame they didn't pony up the bucks for the Int'l School of Tactical Medicine. Regardless, I'm sure you'll have fun in NC.

Make the argument for them to send you to SOMA in December. It's a great conference, and you'll get CEUs to maintain Nat'l Registry (I hate those fuckers...:hmm:).
Never trained with them. However, I can tell you that one of their staff members, Doug Kleiner, was the NTOA TEMS section chair in 2008. He's since been replaced by Dave Rathbun, late of LASD. Beyond that, I can't tell you much.

It's a shame they didn't pony up the bucks for the Int'l School of Tactical Medicine. Regardless, I'm sure you'll have fun in NC.

Make the argument for them to send you to SOMA in December. It's a great conference, and you'll get CEUs to maintain Nat'l Registry (I hate those fuckers...:hmm:).

I think they were looking @ ITSM but decided to go with TMI due to proximity. It should be fun and I will see about SOMA. That would be nice. Oh yea. Fick Nat'l Registery (I second that. LOL). Thanks for the info brothers.

Firemedic: I will say this now..... when we go to this class.... your driving. ( I'll let you borrow that hat and the pair of white gloves!)
You just reminded me that my certification expires in March. Fuck.

Check with your unit training NCO. If the BN surgeon and senior company medic have done their jobs, you should have completed enough medical training to renew your NREMT-B. The training NCO can sign off on the NR form. Paramedics get screwed in the ARNG, but Basics are supposed to be provided enough company level training to maintain NR.
Check with your unit training NCO. If the BN surgeon and senior company medic have done their jobs, you should have completed enough medical training to renew your NREMT-B. The training NCO can sign off on the NR form. Paramedics get screwed in the ARNG, but Basics are supposed to be provided enough company level training to maintain NR.

Hahaha they havent done a thing for us since I finished AIT. Their idea is that we resit the bloody exam everytime. I'm about done with this medical gig. :rolleyes: