TACP Guidance...Any and all you bros got


Mar 8, 2016
Hey guys, I'm new to this, waited a year for a 368 to be signed, it's in the generals office now, getting on the AR's nerves seems to have worked considering I had to get he IGs involved with the unit, all and all I just need a little bit of guidance, I've been training for a year, taught myself to swim, treating myself like its AD BMT. I would like to think I'm gonna have to go for a FED waiver too, I have police report in hand, fraud on my SS, other than that I should be good to go. Money is not the goal or none of that but I do have responsibilities too, is there a bonus for signing? If not, I'm still signing anyway, these are just questions. And besides training hella fuckin hard, running with training masks till I die, soon I'm gonna start running in my AD boots. trying to get to saiyan level 10 haha. Anywho I just need all information you guys can give. I'm just ready to start you guys, I'm dedicated and ready to do 10 years if they let me.
To be frank, your first impression is severely lacking. You come off as immature, and that is one of the least desirable traits in this job.

What are the details with this police report/fraud case?
For general knowledge, "bro" isn't used frivolously in the military. Once you know someone? Sure, but I work around some pretty lax people and even they don't use it on strangers.
Ok guys relax, I just figured that this would be a place where all military like myself and other guys that are trying to get in can just converse and not be so analytical, I AM professional and far from immature I've been in way more years active duty than reserve mind you I've only been reserved for a year, I've been behind enemy lines at all not that it proves anything but one team one fight, this is simply paperwork talk so to judge me off internet is not on point at all. But all of your points are respected.

One of my son's--once--greeted me with the word "Sup." Only once. I've never heard it again. And he's never forgotten the look he got from me when he said it.

TACPs are serious military professionals...as are many of the members of Shadowspear. I respect them immensely and it pains me to read the few posts you've made here.

I'm not your son, I'm a soldier just like you and trust me I act like one and carry myself as such, I'm just on the internet searching for information.

To be frank, your first impression is severely lacking. You come off as immature, and that is one of the least desirable traits in this job.

What are the details with this police report/fraud case?

Fair enough but don't judge someone off of typing, I just made a few references, I'm very serious when it comes to the job, I just needed clarity. Figured we are all green or whatever reference u want to take it as.
Details: ex girlfriend wrote down my info, started making accounts in my name, my fault for dating a civilian that I thought I could trust, it's all documented, only thing besides that, I have a student loan, it's in military deferment, a medical bill or two from me and that's it, I just figured that I'm gonna have to account for it. And I can, I just want to do it properly.


Ah it's all love, I figured I would get grilled haha
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For general knowledge, "bro" isn't used frivolously in the military. Once you know someone? Sure, but I work around some pretty lax people and even they don't use it on strangers.

Well in 5-1 Cav it was used a lot. You don't have to be analytical, respected though.
I'm not your son, I'm a soldier just like you and trust me I act like one and carry myself as such, I'm just on the internet searching for information.

Fair enough but don't judge someone off of typing, I just made a few references, I'm very serious when it comes to the job, I just needed clarity. Figured we are all green or whatever reference u want to take it as.
Details: ex girlfriend wrote down my info, started making accounts in my name, my fault for dating a civilian that I thought I could trust, it's all documented, only thing besides that, I have a student loan, it's in military deferment, a medical bill or two from me and that's it, I just figured that I'm gonna have to account for it. And I can, I just want to do it properly.

Well in 5-1 Cav it was used a lot. You don't have to be analytical, respected though.

Check it out, "bro" - your understanding of your surroundings is deader than John Cleese's parrot. Maybe this shit flew in 5-1 CAV - does this look like 5-1 CAV? Do you have the same familiarity as with ANYONE here as you did there? I don't know how your old unit did business, nor do I particularly care.

The points that have been made above have gone in one ear and out the other. You're very serious about the job? Your actions (specifically - since you seem to need everything broken down and detail stripped for you - your attention to detail, your ability to express yourself in written English, and your ability to understand your environment) say otherwise. Actions speak louder than words, and in this case directly contradict what you're posting.

This isn't some "let's screw with the newbie" game - fix your conduct or cease posting. Deeds speak louder than words so there's no need for a verbal response to this.
Check it out, "bro" - your understanding of your surroundings is deader than John Cleese's parrot. Maybe this shit flew in 5-1 CAV - does this look like 5-1 CAV? Do you have the same familiarity as with ANYONE here as you did there? I don't know how your old unit did business, nor do I particularly care.

The points that have been made above have gone in one ear and out the other. You're very serious about the job? Your actions (specifically - since you seem to need everything broken down and detail stripped for you - your attention to detail, your ability to express yourself in written English, and your ability to understand your environment) say otherwise. Actions speak louder than words, and in this case directly contradict what you're posting.

This isn't some "let's screw with the newbie" game - fix your conduct or cease posting. Deeds speak louder than words so there's no need for a verbal response to this.

Opinion respected but why talk trash about a unit? Come on man were all brothers here,I understand you moderate here but that doesn't strengthen your balls to insult me. Look you win guy. I'm not here to belittle you or talk shit. I just asked for info not analytics on how I type.
The next post in this thread needs to be someone answering the OP's questions. If you don't have an answer, don't post.
Hey guys, I'm new to this, waited a year for a 368 to be signed, it's in the generals office now, getting on the AR's nerves seems to have worked considering I had to get he IGs involved with the unit, all and all I just need a little bit of guidance, I've been training for a year, taught myself to swim, treating myself like its AD BMT. I would like to think I'm gonna have to go for a FED waiver too, I have police report in hand, fraud on my SS, other than that I should be good to go. Money is not the goal or none of that but I do have responsibilities too, is there a bonus for signing? If not, I'm still signing anyway, these are just questions. And besides training hella fuckin hard, running with training masks till I die, soon I'm gonna start running in my AD boots. trying to get to saiyan level 10 haha. Anywho I just need all information you guys can give. I'm just ready to start you guys, I'm dedicated and ready to do 10 years if they let me.

I'll give this a try, and see how this comes out. This site is populated by people who have a great deal of SOF experience, including TACP. My suggestion is just that, I'm not telling you that you have to do this, but if you click on "Groups" in the tool bar at the top of the page, you will find a mentor section dealing with TACP only. These are the guys who have some answers that may help you; they have BTDT. From reading through your OP, it does seem you have put in time and effort to chase down the transfer. You are doing work outs, and that shows motivation. With that motivation, it may be to your benefit to spend a few days reading through threads and posts. It will help you to know us better, and perhaps get a handle on how we present ourselves through how we write. After a while, it can become second nature for you.

A goal of this site, is to help along members who join to improve their chances in a successful career in SOF, TACP in your case. I am hoping that we can guide you along as well. I really encourage you to read through threads and posts in the TACP Mentor group. No need for inputs right off the bat. Take time to read some before posting. I am willing to bet, that many of the questions you have are answered in the TACP Mentor area. After some time reading, if you still have questions about TACP that have not already been answered, that's the time to ask about a specific question.

There is much to learn as you prepare yourself for your goal. I wish you the best of luck, not only here, but in life as well.
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To answer your one specific question, bonuses are off and on with the Guard right now. You'll have to ask the recruiter at whatever ASOS you are trying to join.
Hey guys, I'm new to this, waited a year for a 368 to be signed, it's in the generals office now, getting on the AR's nerves seems to have worked considering I had to get he IGs involved with the unit, all and all I just need a little bit of guidance, I've been training for a year, taught myself to swim, treating myself like its AD BMT. I would like to think I'm gonna have to go for a FED waiver too, I have police report in hand, fraud on my SS, other than that I should be good to go. Money is not the goal or none of that but I do have responsibilities too, is there a bonus for signing? If not, I'm still signing anyway, these are just questions. And besides training hella fuckin hard, running with training masks till I die, soon I'm gonna start running in my AD boots. trying to get to saiyan level 10 haha. Anywho I just need all information you guys can give. I'm just ready to start you guys, I'm dedicated and ready to do 10 years if they let me.
Wish I could decipher this?
AR's nerves, AR =Assistant Recruiter?
Why train for Air Force Basic if you are prior Army? Search TACP (hint romad.com and Facebook) and see what the real standards are. BMT Graduation Standards are not that tough.
What is a FED Waiver?
Skip running in your boots, you'll just fuck your knees up.
What Guard unit?
I'm going to wade in on this one.

Why the fuck do we need to be a dick to this guy? He said bro? Get over yourselves. This is a forum, not fucking Pike field, people use expressions that are common. If you judge people by their singular posts here YOU are the problem. This affects our membership, and is a huge turnoff. Knock it off.
I don't have any specific info for TACP prep but a few things in your original post. Once you get the 368 immediately turn it into your recruiter, this process can take quite awhile with the AF even with full approval. There is a rumor going around that Inter-service transfers are on the backburner as recruiters get no 'credit' for it as opposed to kid off the street and prior service off the street. Have every single piece of paper needed and ready to go. This is all of your records like the first time you went to MEPs. SF86 completely filled out and updated, medical, law violations, all documents (SS Card, Birth Cert, etc...), when you go in there he/she should have literally everything you could need, bring more than you may need just in case.

BMT is a complete joke in every aspect and won't prepare you for the TACP course. Do as much research first then ask questions professionally to the TACP(s) here, they are your best bet for every and anything involving the course and careerfield.

Be prepared for a long wait, it may take awhile for you to get a contract as an inter service transfer and the current AD recruiter/TACP recruiter may be able to provide more info.
Since I'm a bit unclear, I was active duty for 5 years, Got out, went reserves, hate it, looked up TACP fell in love and started training, taught myself to swim, found out the PAST doesn't even require it, all the while, waited basically the whole 2015 waiting on it to get signed, reserve unit lied, lost the packet, I had a backup and sent it to the IG with a complaint, the IG sent it up, AR- whatever changed and now the general of the whole unit has to sign, it's in his office now. The Air Force is waiting and keeping contact with me. Lost my PAST though, had a copy of that too, the 368 should be signed soon, the FED waiver maybe the tricky part, I have police reports, fraud being used on my Social, A RECRUITER checked it before and it does state that there's fraud on my social, does a FED waiver have to even be made if the actual credit check states this. Other than that, that's the only halter...
Since I'm a bit unclear, I was active duty for 5 years, Got out, went reserves, hate it, looked up TACP fell in love and started training, taught myself to swim, found out the PAST doesn't even require it, all the while, waited basically the whole 2015 waiting on it to get signed, reserve unit lied, lost the packet, I had a backup and sent it to the IG with a complaint, the IG sent it up, AR- whatever changed and now the general of the whole unit has to sign, it's in his office now. The Air Force is waiting and keeping contact with me. Lost my PAST though, had a copy of that too, the 368 should be signed soon, the FED waiver maybe the tricky part, I have police reports, fraud being used on my Social, A RECRUITER checked it before and it does state that there's fraud on my social, does a FED waiver have to even be made if the actual credit check states this. Other than that, that's the only halter...
Couple of questions, then I should be able to answer.

Reserve Unit, please tell me it's actually an Air Guard Unit, my data is old but I don't recall any Reserve ASOS (TACP) units in the Reserves.
FED? Is that an acronym? is so what does it stand for.
Couple of questions, then I should be able to answer.

Reserve Unit, please tell me it's actually an Air Guard Unit, my data is old but I don't recall any Reserve ASOS (TACP) units in the Reserves.
FED? Is that an acronym? is so what does it stand for.

I plan on going active duty overall. TACP is what I really dedicated my body to, I can't sit at home and be part time, it's boring to me. The FED (Financial Eligibility Determination) basically credit check inquiry. A recruiter checked my credit(a favor before the 368 signed) and it states that there is fraud on my social.
I finished my two years Commissioned Active Duty Army time in '71. I still had another four years required Active Reserve time. In '72, I decided to return to Active Duty USAF and began the paperwork. I had pretty much pretty much the same headache you have run into. The paper chase took about 18 mos, my ace in the hole was Sen Jacob Javitts (R) NY to finally get some action. My lease was running out, second child arrived and there was no movement. I had to track where the paperwork had to travel. Then I had to find out where the paperwork was held up, I had a name and desk where the paperwork had died. That was what I delivered to Sen Javitts, and a week later I got orders to report to USAF Medical Basic. It seems little has changed in all that time. It is pretty had waiting, and not knowing why.

Have you had a chance to look at the TAC mentor group yet? It may give you some idea of physical conditioning you need to focus on.

I was wondering if the fraud associated with your SSN was perhaps a case of idententy theft?

Hang in there.
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