TACP-O Expectation Management


Jun 24, 2015
I've been hearing a lot of different things regarding what I can expect from a career as a TACP officer. As far as combat experience goes, I've heard everything ranging from "TACP officers will never see combat", to "TACP CGOs can go outside the wire on as many missions as they want, if they so desire". I've also heard multiple things regarding school possibilities; I've heard that if a TACP-O will have a hard time competing for even Airborne school, and then I've also heard that Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder, Ranger, and even Dive and MFF are fairly easy slots to obtain.

So, I have no idea what to expect from my career, and while I still have the whole pipeline to worry about, I still want to have some sort of idea as to what I can expect. Are there any 13L/1C4's, or anyone else, who can advise me?
Are you Guard or Active? That can have some bearing on fund sites and availability.

I don't know if we have any ALO's on board, but we have several 1C4's. I'm sure one of them will be along shortly.
MFF and CDQC are SOF-specific courses, so that should define the unit(s) you need to be in for a shot at those schools.
A lot of prior enlisted have gone over to 13L. It wasn't unheard of for conventional 1c4 s to go to MFF. There's still some slots running around acc has only sanctioned the 14 asos for those. slots are harder to come by now that it's part of the sof pipeline. As a 13L I wouldn't expect to go out on missions. Yes it has happened in the past but I have seen it get squashed over time. So unless there's a new push against a more formidable opponent don't expect it. 13 L are going to ranger school it's a leadership course so it only makes sense. Just depends on your units ability to attain slots. The same for airborne pathfinder etc. Your units probably going to want you to knock out their 13L "upgrade" program which usually consist of jfo school and things of that nature where you'll learn wrong things like it's mandatory to get system read backs for jdam s no matter the type of control. So they'll probably want you to focus on that instead of schools. Dive school will only be a possibility if you tryout for the 17th Sts positions where you might be able to piggyback off the few rangers slots for the army combat dive course that come down. that's a big if there. Hope that helps you out. Hang in there
As has been said, schools are unit specific. You seem to have a big concern about schools/badges. As a 13L, it ain't about you. It's about taking care of the 1C4s out there doing the job. You will most likely be doing coordination in a TOC to get your guys what they need and to make sure they're being properly utilized. Schools are an incentive and they provide street cred to the Army, but at the end of the day they have nothing to do with being an effective 13L/JTAC. You will not have a good time at the Schoolhouse as a 13L candidate if you show up asking a bunch of questions about how you can get badges. Regardless of whether or not that is your intent, that is how it will be perceived. Worry about the 25m target now. You wouldn't be the first 13L candidate to be worried about combat and schools who washes out of the Schoolhouse and ends up as an admin officer at MacDill.
My biggest concern is about how much time I'll get to see outside of the TOC. I figured a lot of my time will be spent there, which I fully expected. However, I was initially under the impression that I would get, at least for the first few deployments, a lot of time with the 1C4's on missions and actually get to be in the action. I expected to have a lot, if not the majority, of my time in the TOC, but I wasn't at all expecting 100% of the job to be there.
As has been said, schools are unit specific. You seem to have a big concern about schools/badges. As a 13L, it ain't about you. It's about taking care of the 1C4s out there doing the job. You will most likely be doing coordination in a TOC to get your guys what they need and to make sure they're being properly utilized. Schools are an incentive and they provide street cred to the Army, but at the end of the day they have nothing to do with being an effective 13L/JTAC. You will not have a good time at the Schoolhouse as a 13L candidate if you show up asking a bunch of questions about how you can get badges. Regardless of whether or not that is your intent, that is how it will be perceived. Worry about the 25m target now. You wouldn't be the first 13L candidate to be worried about combat and schools who washes out of the Schoolhouse and ends up as an admin officer at MacDill.

Ahhheeemmm....What he said^. I had one of the first E to O 13L's to roll out with me in Ramadi. Did he go out on missions? Hell yes! He had been doing the deed as a JTAC for quite a while. Will you roll out with 1C4's on a mission if you make it through? Yes there is a good possibility but you would go probably as a ROMAD type role. That is, to help the seasoned JTAC with comms and such. Street cred is built up over time, dues must be paid. But, more than likely, get used to the TOC being home sweet home for you. Really, that is where the ALO belongs. Best Regards and Good Luck hope you make it through.
Thanks for all of the input, and I would gladly appreciate any further advice/input regarding this issue. I just wanted to make sure I had realistic expectations for what my job will entail. Regardless of what my desires/expectations of deployed life are, I still plan to give it my all in the Schoolhouse.