Tactical Prescription Glasses


Dec 2, 2009
I didn't want to hijack Marine0311's Tactical Sunglasses thread, considering this deals with the prescription variety.

What would you guys recommend for Tactical Prescription eyepro?

I see that many manufacturers offer prescription inserts, except Oakley, unless I missed it.

I'm a DEP right now, shipping on the 17th. If I understand correctly, I'll wear the BCG's at basic and AIT, then I can wear whatever I prefer at BAC and RASP. I'd like to get something nice to replace the BCG's once I hit BAC.
I have Oakley prescription sunglasses. Got them through an optical shop.

Biggest concern when it comes to scrips of any kind is to buy the best quality lens you can. Don't scrimp. Always get the non-reflective/anti-glare types.

What is your prescription? That will determine what type of frames/ lenses that you can wear. Generally speaking you should be okay if you're under 20/200. Me? Not so much....

Oakley offers them in certain frames, Revision frames are excellent, and there are others that escape me at the moment (ESS and whoever else out there).
What is your prescription? That will determine what type of frames/ lenses that you can wear. Generally speaking you should be okay if you're under 20/200. Me? Not so much....

Oakley offers them in certain frames, Revision frames are excellent, and there are others that escape me at the moment (ESS and whoever else out there).

I believe I am 20/400 in my left, and 20/375 in my right.
I believe I am 20/400 in my left, and 20/375 in my right.

I'd have to look at mine, but you may be in the same boat as me. One eye is -3.75 and the other is -3.50. The Oakley's all end at -3.50 and for many prescription lenses you won't get the same level of protection as uncorrected lenses. If you're looking for the same level of protection then you'll need to get something like Revision's Sawfly with the Rx carrier, the Hellfly might work, but none of the options will be cheap.
I've got a pair of prescription Oakleys. Bottle Rocket 2.0's. Yes, they're wire rims and not Army approved eye pro, but those and the Bottle Rockets were the only Oakley frames that I could get with my prescription from US Standard Issue. BTW, my scrip is -4.75 right eye, -6.25 left eye.
I just got a new pair of glasses - they are in safety frames and have ballistic level polycarbonate lenses - and they come with removable side protection...

Hudson Optical makes the frames and the lenses are marked with the ANSI/OSHA 'frog' as proof of safety level.

glare coat is a good thing. No need for anti-scratch, polycarb doesn't need it. They can be smoked or transitions - or get 2 pairs, one polarized and one clear.
I am not familiar with the US way of measuring eye correction. I have 1 .0 point (as we call it) of myopia - we also use halves and quarterpoints- and currently use a pair of Wiley-X model PT-3 with RX insert ( and three different shades of outer lenses. Prescription was applied in Greece- the rest was ordered from extreme eyewear.com.

I do a lot of shooting ( sporting clays and IPSC pistol-shotgun) in various conditions (daylight-sunny-foggy- nighttime with lights etc) and found them to be durable and convenient. Takes a bit of getting used to the RX -very close to my eyelids, but works.

Hope it helps

PS: The optics guy that did the prescription said that he could fit bigger grades of myopia in the RX insert with no problem.
I run into problems with the Oakley glasses. I have a bad astigmatism so I pretty much cant have a lens with any curve in it. I have been looking for something that is not an insert, but an actual lens that offers eye pro. The problem with inserts is a lot of them get sweat and such on them and have to be taken out to be cleaned which is annoying and time consuming in the field.
Thanks for the recommendations, everyone.

If I understand correctly, I won't be able to purchase Oakley's with a -4.00 Rx? I would prefer the Ballistic M Frame 2.0 if it were possible.

I have also considered the following:
-ESS Crossbow w/ Rx insert
-ESS ICE w/ Rx insert
-Wiley X PT-1
-Revision Sawfly w/Rx insert

It would be nice if ESS make the CDI/CDI Max in a Rx version. Oh well...

Price is not a factor. Can't put a price on my vision, even though it's brutal...
Thanks for the recommendations, everyone.

If I understand correctly, I won't be able to purchase Oakley's with a -4.00 Rx? I would prefer the Ballistic M Frame 2.0 if it were possible.

I have also considered the following:
-ESS Crossbow w/ Rx insert
-ESS ICE w/ Rx insert
-Wiley X PT-1
-Revision Sawfly w/Rx insert

It would be nice if ESS make the CDI/CDI Max in a Rx version. Oh well...

Price is not a factor. Can't put a price on my vision, even though it's brutal...

Check Oakley's website if you can, but the wrap-around lenses I looked at ended at -3.50. Racing Kitty had better luck, but I didn't think those were wrap-around. (I could be wrong, it has been almost a year since I looked.) I also want to say that prescription lenses won't have the same ballistic protection as regular lenses.
I run into problems with the Oakley glasses. I have a bad astigmatism so I pretty much cant have a lens with any curve in it. I have been looking for something that is not an insert, but an actual lens that offers eye pro. The problem with inserts is a lot of them get sweat and such on them and have to be taken out to be cleaned which is annoying and time consuming in the field.

Try Rudy Project, they have at least one model that fits what you require.

Correction, ESS does make Rx's for the CDI. They're entire lenses, as opposed to separate clip-ins.

I'm leaning toward the CDI, as it is full-frame eyepro and the entire lens holds the Rx, not a smaller frame that clips in.

I don't like how the Rx insert clips into the eyepro, and how it doesn't appear to cover the entire field of vision. If someone with Rx insert experience knows differently, please inform.
Depending on what the prescription is, there are a lot of frames that would work, providing the lenses are done correctly. Most labs don't have a clue, but I've put -6.00 into such frames are the WileyX XL-1, Romer II, Ess Flyby and Recon, Revision Hellfly, and others. check out some of the frames at http://www.heavyglare.com and contact the optician there. They can look at your prescription and advise you from there. These guys made 2000 pair of glasses for the 82nd airborne back in 2004, so they've been at it for a while.
Looking for a suggestion @Marine0311 @Ranger Psych @Viper1, @Devildoc, @amlove21, or anyone else who may have some info. on this.

Just ordered Wiley-X Boss, matte black frames with clear prescription lenses. I'd love to have the new high-speed FTPE (Fast-Tint Protective Eyewear) lenses, but that is not going to happen.

Can anyone suggest a tactical solution that would allow for clear lenses in low light, and tinted lenses in bright light, besides typical civilian self tint, or simply taking the glasses off? I have considered Transition Lenses, but my concern is that when in dark conditions the clear lenses would 'tint up' from indoor muzzle flash, lights etc...and therefore hinder vision.

I never used my issued tinted glasses, and didn't use sunglasses during my time in SWA. This is because every-time I went in and out of buildings the sunglasses would have slowed me down. BUT, I'd love to have this luxury now of good eye-pro that is versatile.
@MikeDelta , I never had an issue with my tinted (i.e., "transition") glasses tinting from anything but the sun. I don't think that'll be a problem.

But yeah, FTPE are the heat.
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I shoot indoors and, at night. With Transitions lenses and, have had zero problems. With the lenses tinting with muzzle flash. This shooting a Mk18 clone un-suppressed. With a SureFire 3 prong flash suppressor attached. As well as my Socom 16 with standard muzzle brake. I have not as yet had the opportunity. To walk through the shoot house with the .308 yet though.
When I do I will post the result here.
Photochromic lenses, the lenses that go from clear to dark, darken with UV light. Tinted lenses are an added "color" to the lens but doesn't cause darkening. FWIW, even my "clear" photochromic glasses have a slight tint but not enough to cause an issue inside. So unless something inside is emitting UV light, you are good to go.