Tactical Prescription Glasses

Looking for a suggestion @Marine0311 @Ranger Psych @Viper1, @Devildoc, @amlove21, or anyone else who may have some info. on this.

Just ordered Wiley-X Boss, matte black frames with clear prescription lenses. I'd love to have the new high-speed FTPE (Fast-Tint Protective Eyewear) lenses, but that is not going to happen.

Can anyone suggest a tactical solution that would allow for clear lenses in low light, and tinted lenses in bright light, besides typical civilian self tint, or simply taking the glasses off? I have considered Transition Lenses, but my concern is that when in dark conditions the clear lenses would 'tint up' from indoor muzzle flash, lights etc...and therefore hinder vision.

I never used my issued tinted glasses, and didn't use sunglasses during my time in SWA. This is because every-time I went in and out of buildings the sunglasses would have slowed me down. BUT, I'd love to have this luxury now of good eye-pro that is versatile.

I would look into Revision or Wiley X with or without inter changing lenes.
Looking for a suggestion @Marine0311 @Ranger Psych @Viper1, @Devildoc, @amlove21, or anyone else who may have some info. on this.

Just ordered Wiley-X Boss, matte black frames with clear prescription lenses. I'd love to have the new high-speed FTPE (Fast-Tint Protective Eyewear) lenses, but that is not going to happen.

Can anyone suggest a tactical solution that would allow for clear lenses in low light, and tinted lenses in bright light, besides typical civilian self tint, or simply taking the glasses off? I have considered Transition Lenses, but my concern is that when in dark conditions the clear lenses would 'tint up' from indoor muzzle flash, lights etc...and therefore hinder vision.

I never used my issued tinted glasses, and didn't use sunglasses during my time in SWA. This is because every-time I went in and out of buildings the sunglasses would have slowed me down. BUT, I'd love to have this luxury now of good eye-pro that is versatile.
I always carried two sets and switched for night or low light.
Photocromatic lenses won't trigger indoors from FB's, gunfire, etc. It's continued exposure to UV that causes the change and it's an over time effect. Usually 30 sec to a minute for full darkening, and about the same if not longer for reversion to clear.

The issues you will have with auto-tint lenses is that the transition period is NOT fast enough for exterior to interior entry on a breach, nor transition from indoors to outdoors fast enough. Also, you will have issues while mounted as inside you'll have everything but UV in terms of light while on patrol, unless you're outside a hatch as a gunner or whatnot. Therefore, they'll remain clear inside the vehicle meaning you'd need to change over anyway.

I just swapped lenses, if it even looked like I was going indoors I swapped at the tactical pause prior to making the breach. Easy enough to dedicate a pouch specifically for holding your glasses when you swap (I used a TT multipurpose pouch with a microfiber I would swap out to clean when it got dirty, so my lenses rode in the safest/cleanest environment I could provide on my person).

This was a bigger deal for me than most because PRK from the army had the added benefit of significantly increased photosensitivity. Nowadays, I'm that "cool guy" that basically never takes his shades off. It's what I do to deal with everything, indoors as well.