The Coming War with Islam

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the most important conflict we are facing is the internal one, the one that is going to decide whether or not we have the guts to win the war against radical Islam.
That is exactly what I was thinking.
The same internal war we fought during the Vietnam war.

That turned out great.... :(
Ikillmenwithspoons said:
I'm not saying that only radical Muslims would be killed, there would be a lot of innocents that would die in the crossfire and hunt as well... but its the only way. Its difficult to launch a PR war on a people who are told everyday when they attend their mosque that the only way to paradise is to die as a madyr, and to kill Americans and Jews. People in that region trust in their sheiks more so then a foreign government who they are told to not trust. Would a PR war have worked on the Nazi Party? Also, preventing them from joining or supporting these terrorist if they didn't convert to our way of thinking would mean killing them. I don't know though... I do believe you when you say this would be a very long war though.

Thank you for believeing me :) LOL

Every innocent you kill brings at least a couple of fighters into their ranks...

Sheiks are VERY different to Imans etc... (research that) sheiks are exactly the kind of way we turn the people we bring the shieks on board they tell their people to join as for shieks/imans that don't well i'm sure a 'phoenix' (reasearch) program wouldn't be too hard to get going again ;)
Nazis, well you are missing the point, you dont aim PR at the mouth peice you aim it at the people who are listening to the mouth peice, in case you didn't know there was an active anti-nazi organisation within the German military, hence the attempted assaionation in 1944 (reasearch), killing is merely one method not the answer, this isn't a black and white war/problem and the answer isnt B&W either, sad to say.

Ikillmenwithspoons said:
I just don't see the United States being defeated by these jawas.

Remember Vietnam?

WTF is a jawa?
anyone read John Robb's new book "Brave New War" ?

scary as shit, what I have scanned, that non-State actors can for a fraction of the cost of a State sponsored Op, cripple vital systems and WIN

From the Inside Flap

During the summer of 2004, a small group of Iraqi insurgents blew up a southern section of the Iraqi oil pipeline infrastructure. This attack cost an estimated $2,000 to produce, and no attackers were caught, while the explosion cost Iraq $500 million in lost oil exports—a rate of return 250,000 times the cost of the attack.

In Brave New War, the controversial terrorism expert John Robb argues that the shift from state-against-state conflicts to wars against small, ad hoc bands of like-minded insurgents will lead to a world with as many tiny armies as there are causes to fight for. Our new enemies are looking for gaps in vital systems where a small, cheap action—blowing up an oil pipeline or knocking out a power grid—will generate a huge return.

Drawing on scores of chilling examples from the ongoing insurgency in Iraq, Robb reveals how the technology that has enabled globalization also allows terrorists, criminals, and violent ideologues of every stripe to join forces against a far bigger and richer foe without revealing their identities, following orders, or even working toward the same ultimate goal. This new brand of open-source warfare enables insurgents to coordinate attacks, swarm on targets, and adapt rapidly to changes in their enemy's tactics, all at minimal cost and risk. And now, Robb shows, it is being exported around the world, from Pakistan to Nigeria to Mexico, creating a new class of insurgents he calls global guerrillas.

This evolutionary leap in the methods of warfare makes it possible for extremely small nonstate groups to fight states and possibly win on a regular basis. The use of systems disruption as a method of strategic warfare gives rise to a nightmare scenario in which any nation—including the United States—can be driven to bankruptcy by an enemy it can't compete with economically. We are staring at a future where defeat isn't experienced all at once but as an inevitable withering away of military, economic, and political power through wasting conflicts with minor foes.

How can we defend ourselves against this pernicious new menace? Brave New War presents a debate-changing argument that no one who cares about national security can afford to ignore: it is time, says Robb, to decentralize all of our systems, from energy and communications to security and markets. It is time for every citizen to take personal responsibility for some aspect of state security. It is time to make our systems, and ourselves, as flexible, adaptable, and resilient as the forces that are arrayed against us.