I wore all earned awards according to 670-1 when I was in Regiment... combat scroll, CIB or EIB (depending on which uniform out of the pile I had, S&S had CIB's) and Jump wings.
Once I transitioned to the ACU, I made the personal decision that if you couldn't figure out shit by seeing a combat scroll on my shoulder, then I didnt' give a fuck. I didn't even have a CIB, EIB, or Jump wings in the black metal because I was out training in body armor as much as possible with my joes so they'd get used to the weight and how it affected their performance and capabilities.
I was one of the few guys I knew in Bat that wore their Class A's more often than just for Ranger ball. I would go home every winter in them because I had the option to, I was proud of where I was, What I had done, and it was a point of pride for my parents as well... I spent a half day the last time I went home in A's explaining everything to my mother and father... and seeing my father proud of my accomplishments considering how adamant he had been about me NOT serving, was a wonderful thing.
Then again, many a course class and skill I had been at, trained, or performed didn't have a badge, placard, ribbon or even a certificate...