LOL....wut? The whole career field, 6th SOS, all going away?
The 6th SOS has a mission that is either still valid or not.
6th SOS
Combat Aviation Advisor (CAA) was never a career field, a specific career AFSC, or even a Reporting Identifier AFSC. It's a Special Experience Identifier (SEI). The required SEI training doesn't result in award of any skill level or contribute to skill level or grade/rank advancement in any AFSC.
SEIs are established when identifying experience or training is critical to the job and person assignment match, and no other identification is appropriate or available. CCA actually has several SEIs: 164-Basic Air Advisor (authorized for any AFSC),166 Advanced Air Advisor (authorized for any AFSC), 330 Combat Aviation Advisor (authorized for specific AFSCs). SEI 330 is connected to assignment to the 6th SOS.
SEI 330 Combat Aviation Advisor (CAA)
Requires: 1) 919 OG/CC, 6 SOS/CC, or 371 SOCTS/CC recommendation; 2) completion of Combat Aviation Advisor Mission Qualification Course, Phase I, Initial Language Qualification, Phase II, USAF Specialty Development Training, Phase III; 3) a minimum of 12 months experience in a designated CAA unit; and 4) and operational deployment as a CAA, under the direct supervision of a fully qualified CAA.
AFSCs authorized to obtain SEI 330 are: 1A1X1/X1A2X1/X1A9X1/X1DXXX/X1N0XX1N1XX/X1N7XX1N8X11P0XX1T0X11U0X1/X1ZXXX 2A3732A353X2A333E2A3742A3X4X2A5002A5X1X2A5X2X(except 2A532D)2A5X4X2A6912A671C/F/H2A631X2G0X12R1X12S071/51/312T2X1