The Marine Corps Celebrates Pride Month

I don’t disagree @Gunz . Hell, recruit everyone…”Ev-REE-one” . Straight, gay, trans, the whole fucking alphabet soup, just maintain the standards and stay focused on the mission. Is there still a mission?

And I’ve noticed that The Corps has been real fond of throwing around the “Defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect” phrase lately. Most recently when they fired that Col and Sgt Major.

Get back to me when a group of enlisted Marines thinks the Corps is treating them with equality, dignity and respect.


Personal opinion, but I think we are at a place where organizations get to the point of simply caving and posting ’something‘ for these assorted months, because if they don’t, then they get pounded on Social Media asking “why not”?

In the years after the film, the Corps has incorporated Full Metal Jacket into its cultural canon in everything short of an official proclamation from the Commandant.
We watched it in bootcamp. (1989)

To say the DI’s punished us after one dumbass cheered when GySgt Hartman got shot would be an understatement.

I still remember two things from that night:

1) We were not being punished for cheering the demise of the DI, we were being punished for a ‘loss of bearing’.

2) We were warned … hard … that that was a movie and if there were any hints of a ‘blanket party’, we would not be able to envision the hell that would be rained down upon us. We believed them.

I have a difficult time believing that FMJ was an approved film and am guessing the blanket-party warning had more to do with the hell that would be rained down on them vs. us as recruits.
As long as the focus is on killing people, I dig the new recruiting strategy for the “lit and woke” youth.

That’s hyperbole not sarcasm. Have a gay dude talking about his conus vs deployed body count. I don’t care. People are as soft in blue states as they are in red states.

As long as someone wants to pound beers and shoot bad humans I don’t give a fuck about anything else they identify as or believe in. A homie is a homie, regardless of how they “identify.”

We need people. The old redneck and rust belt recruiting springs are drying up. We need people who can do the job.
No one’s noticed the format was stolen from Full Metal Jacket? A film the Corps wanted nothing to do with?

I noticed. Parts of that movie hit home for me. Not the least of which, R. Lee Ermey's portrayal of a D.I. He was a bit too old for the role but it was dead on. And my team had killed a female VC at one time and captured another.

In bootcamp, each platoon had its own squadbay. We kept our M14s hanging by their slings at the end of our racks. A recruit in my company snuck a live 7.62 round off the range and blew his brains out in the middle of the night. The next morning our Senior DI gathered us around and for the first time in six weeks addressed us as fellow human beings.
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I noticed. Parts of that movie hit home for me. Not the least of which, R. Lee Ermey's portrayal of a D.I. He was a bit too old for the role but it was dead on. And my team had killed a female VC at one time and captured another.

In bootcamp, each platoon had its own squadbay. We kept our M14s hanging by their slings at the end of our racks. A recruit in my company snuck a live 7.62 round off the range and blew his brains out in the middle of the night. The next morning our Senior DI gathered us around and for the first time in six weeks addressed us as fellow human beings.
I will never understand why anyone would think ending your life would make things all better. Sad man.