Thin Displays as Wristbands

The NVG thing occurred to me as well, but light is light and you don't have your NVGs with you...

I'm just thinking worst case. I think the thing is cool, like Splinter Cell levels of cool.
LOL, that is exactly what we want, but you forgot to include the laser range finder/designator, with the ocular that you can view video through, and designate targets. We have some of these on one platform, but we need to shrink that platform down to that wrist band thing, or to I-Phone size. Access to ShadowSpear would be a definate plus.

But like 0699 said, we can't forget about the basics.

Yeah. Dunno if this is being fixed already, but I think the biggest bitch would be to make all those platforms from the different branches work and communicate with what the others have, so for example, the stream of digital data coming from the Navy can be interpreted by the Army and Air Force gadgets, and vice versa.

Can't remember how many times I've read about stories F-16 pilots wanting to communicate to the elements on the ground so he can provide ground support and not have to bounce off HQ. If the element on the ground lost their radio or TACP/JTAC, at the very least they should be able to send a text message to the pilot's HUD. LOL!

Damn. My mind is just wired up this Monday morning.
YIf the element on the ground lost their radio or TACP/JTAC, at the very least they should be able to send a text message to the pilot's HUD.

That is highly unlikely to ever happen. The Air Force isn't keen on anyone talking to it's aircraft who isn't in the Air Force.
I don't care how much technology you have or how you use it. Until our management gets the political bullshit out of the way and go back to win at all cost we will still not reach our potential. Whats up with a no fire zone in the middle of a war?
Tech is great but you NEED to know how to fight without batteries...
Spot on. There's a growing list of natural and man made threats to the dependable operation of any electronic device. One or more major 'events' could send everyone back (at least for a while) to using WWII tech. As long as everyone keeps this in mind and is prepared for the possibility; these new gizmos are fantastic.
This technology is cool, I saw a live demo of it at a Biometric Symposium I was at in Baltimore a few weeks ago. I saw something L-3 communications had (they call it the LWDT -light weight data terminal) and I think I saw Northrup Grumman with another similar version. A lot of the government system integrators are fighting over money for these type of projects.

I personally think it's going to happen on the iPhone before it will happen on a wristband. The Army LOVES the iPhone. The company I work for offers a few cool apps on the iPhone already, facial recognition, iris recognition, and a once touch fingerprint reader. We have been approached about putting voice recognition on our iPhone, but that technology is got a way to go. Someday in the future the iPhone will be issued to new Army and Marine Corps recruits.

I've been told by somebody from the Apple Law Enforcement side that the FLETC and the FBI academy will soon be issuing new recruits iPads instead of textbooks. It's a no brainer from a ROI standpoint if you just consider the amount of money they spend on textbooks for new Officers/Agents. Plus the iPad offers so much more for the Agents down the road.

Like it or not, the iPhone is here to stay.

A shameless plug for my company and our iPhone:
I forgot to add: I'm a pretty big gear queer these days, but I do, however, strongly concur that our warriors need to be able to - locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver, or repel the enemy’s assault by fire and close combat -- without batteries.