DISCLAIMER. The following is based on information on the situation upon my retirement in 1995.... a little dated.
Damn... you kids are rehashing this shit.... AGAIN?
The title of this thread is mis-leading. This is not about improving the quality of intell support to SF units. It's really about how to have quality people assigned and build credibility in garrison with the ODA's. IF you were really talking about better Intell support, I doubt that such a conversation could take place below compartment-ed level.
The assignment of personnel to SF MI units has been a topic since at least the late 70's.
I will not speak to the specific topic of SOT-A's, but generically to the topic of MI personnel in general.
So I will start at the root issue.
"How do you get quality people assigned to USASFC MI units?"
a. PERSCOM (or whatever they're calling it this week) try's to work on the round peg in the round hold system. This is especially true in Enlisted assignments. Till you hit the MSG/1SG (P) you are at the mercy of the assignment CLERK (GS-5) who works for a civil service assignments manager. The NCO who is the latest Branch Manager.... is there to key those pesky soldiers out of the civilians hair. To create any type of quality control will take an initiative from USASFC G-1 supported by USASOC and USSOCOM's "1" shop. Pulling the control of assignments like that is a major challenge as their sticky little paws will just hang on with a death grip like its the last beer at a Friday Rehab party.
b. CONUS to CONUS PCS has to be approved.
c. Generally PERSCOM will attempt to assign airborne troops to SF support... but if they run out... It's meat market time.
d. The Ranger Regiment has an established program for support troops coming to the Regiment. SF could do the same; IF they pushed for it.
e. There is/was a ASI for Intell Weenies for SOF Support. Don't know if it's still used or not.
f. SF is unique in that the 18 series has their Operations\Intelligence Course (ASI?). These are Senior NCO's, not lower enlisted or junior NCO's.
"Challenges Unique To SF Intell Support"
a. Predominately in the Army the most active Intelligence Analysts are the Specialist Mafia and Junior NCO's. By the time an Intell Weenie becomes a Senior NCO, they're doing mostly NCO shit and damn little Intell shit.
b. The analysts from the Group or Bn are those who have to interact directly with the ODA's. Generally with the ODA Intell Sgt (ODA IS), who is a senior SFC or even a MSG. Not a good fit. While the MI troop may have a good background, sometimes the ODA IS has been studying the culture, language, and area for several years and may have on the ground time. This is not a good fit. While the anlayst brings access to HSLD info, the ODA IS may have issues dealing with a support person who is much younger, different gender, and of some what lower rank. I have often seen instances of the ODA IS not wanting any kind of a finished product; but wants the analyst just to feed them raw intell and stay out of the way. (Seen it happen more than once.)
"The Cure"
USASFC has to establish a multi-week, central "Orientation Program" at Fort Bragg for ALL non-18 Series Officers, NCO's, and Soldiers. If the program is NOT successfully complete they are reassigned on the specific home post. The Ranger's have established their support soldiers program since 9/11.
No first tour Intell people assigned. That includes reclassified NCO's. Second tour in MI at a minimum.
The above is the easy part. Gaining acceptance and credibility in the eyes of the ODA IS's and their teams. That can only be accomplished by getting the MI folks down with the teams. This will have to come down from USASFC G-3 in their annual training guidance. ODA's will often deploy with a support slice. This slice needs to be incorporated into ODA training and funding for training.