Trayvon Martin Case


Verified Military
Aug 14, 2007
This is the picture we've all seen of the victim, Martin (Left) and the "racist" shooter, Zimmerman.

Martin is the innocent little boy and Zimmerman is sporting County Orange.

The media has whipped the American public into a foaming frenzy, driven right along racial lines with pictorials like this:


But photos can often be misleading. Couldn't this story just as easily been spun a little differently by the media establishment? (I didn't make the poster below, but thought the photos were interesting and a great illustration of how the minds of the masses can be fed what they want to see). I also admit I haven't followed the story very closely. The facts have emerged for me was a youth (age 17) was cutting through people's back yards while wearing a hoodie and got shot. Unfortunate to me, yet somehow not all that astonishing.

I'm going to copy and paste what I wrote on Sawman's wall:

I don't care what the kid's FB pictures look like. By all accounts, he was unarmed and minding his own business. Martin ran away from him, so why did Zimmerman feel that he was in danger? Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out looking for trouble and he found it. In the past 15 months, he's called 911 46 times. There's something very wrong with that.
I haven't followed this story very closely either, mostly because I can't stomach the fact this case is being used as racial motivation by our whorish media.

I think Bob Knight said it best when he said this while speaking to reporters, "I'm trying to help you young guys in this profession you've chosen that's one or two steps above prostitution."

So far it's all hearsay and 911 calls. The fact "Reverend" Al Sharpton is involved has me skeptical.
I'm going to copy and paste what I wrote on Sawman's wall:

I don't care what the kid's FB pictures look like. By all accounts, he was unarmed and minding his own business. Martin ran away from him, so why did Zimmerman feel that he was in danger? Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out looking for trouble and he found it. In the past 15 months, he's called 911 46 times. There's something very wrong with that.

Lol. Nice. "I don't care what emerges at this point. I have my mind made up and silly things like photos showing something that I don't want to see aren't going to sway me!"
I think it's absurd for anyone to form an opinion either way at this point. Not all the facts have been released and no one knows exactly what happened that night other than Zimmerman. All of this character assassination going on is BS- and that's for both the shooter and the victim. The picture posted above does nothing to change my opinion of the kid- every 15-18 year old has some kind of picture like that on FB at some time, and calling Zimmerman a "racist" before it's determined if he was attacked (or if he assaulted the kid before a struggle ensued) is jumping the gun.
Lol. Nice. "I don't care what emerges at this point. I have my mind made up and silly things like photos showing something that I don't want to see aren't going to sway me!"
LOL! My point is any picture is pretty irrelevant unless it's from the site of the crime! I can show you pictures of my son looking a lot like a thug as well as some where he looks like a choir boy, but that doesn't mean that he is either one. At this point, we DO know that Zimmerman called a suspicious character sighting into the police. He was told not to follow Martin, but he did anyway. Whether or not it was racially motivated remains to be seen.

Having said this, I agree that the media in general bears watching at all times.
LOL! My point is any picture is pretty irrelevant unless it's from the site of the crime! I can show you pictures of my son looking a lot like a thug as well as some where he looks like a choir boy, but that doesn't mean that he is either one. At this point, we DO know that Zimmerman called a suspicious character sighting into the police. He was told not to follow Martin, but he did anyway. Whether or not it was racially motivated remains to be seen.

Having said this, I agree that the media in general bears watching at all times.

All we know? That didn't seem to have any bearing in your last post when you called Zimmerman a "wannabe cop looking for trouble". You went on to say "there's something very worng with that" in regards to the amount of times he called 911, while failing to mention the number of burglaries in the area that would have put anyone on edge. You seem to have bought into the media bias. Yet now you want to talk about "all we know"? If "any picture is pretty irrelevant", then why is every single picture in the media an outdated one showing a much younger Trayvon Martin? What was your first thought when you saw the pictures? To say that the pictures are irrelevant is only true in a vacuum. Pictures sway public opinion, and public opinion in a case like this has the potential to cause major problems. Jesse Jackson has started talking about how all black people are under attack, and the President even felt the need to comment on this case before the facts are in, saying that "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." How much of that do you think is based on the pictures? I wonder what people's opinion would be if the "thug" picture was the one being shown instead. You have no problem casting judgment prematurely onto Zimmerman with nothing to base it on, but a concrete picture showing Trayvon acting like a gangster idiot is irrelevant?
- every 15-18 year old has some kind of picture like that on FB at some time, .

I agree with some of what you said, but this is a bullshit statement. I know plenty of people who would have never even considered dressing like that in the first place, much less taking a picture of it to post in a venue like FB, no matter what age they were.
The Black Panthers have put a $1,000,000 bounty on the head of Zimmerman???O_o

Why would Z be wearing county orange? He wasn't arrested or even detained by the po-po.

How in hell is BP offering a bounty on a man not a hate crime under Federal law? WTF, over. How is that garbage spewing from his mouth different than the "racist hate speech" that the MSM claimed during the Tea Party protests?
Hey, Muhammad, you and all your waste of oxygen Black Panther buddies can do something very important here that will help out America a lot.

I agree with some of what you said, but this is a bullshit statement. I know plenty of people who would have never even considered dressing like that in the first place, much less taking a picture of it to post in a venue like FB, no matter what age they were.
It's not bullshit. Apparently you don't know a lot of people under 20. A lot of people- me included- don't put shit like that online. So you're right about that. But for him to post that is not uncommon and in my eyes doesn't saying anything about him other than he's a 17 year old looking to impress girls.
Why would Z be wearing county orange? He wasn't arrested or even detained by the po-po.

How in hell is BP offering a bounty on a man not a hate crime under Federal law? WTF, over.
I did read that Zimmerman had once had a run in with police- that he resisted arrest, and the charges were dropped. Not sure as to the validity of that.

What I do believe is the case has already been defined in the media as a "white racist who shot a poor black kid with Skittles in his pocket."

When I saw the pics, that pretty much matched the article. But then I found out that

a. the shooter is not "white" in the sense of Anglo, but rather is Hispanic (not that it matters so much, but definitely not being addressed in media) This has been portrayed as Black VS. White rather than minority on minority crime.

b. Apparently the kid was wearing a hoody at night- certainly not illegal, but this would qualify as "suspicious", which is what Zimmerman reported the youth as.

c. 17 years old is old enough to steal, be a thief, whatever. The age in this case is being bandied around as though he was in elementary school, when in fact 17 is plenty old enough to be a threat even if Zimmerman was 230 (was he 5'4"?).

d. the pictures oddly seem to want to lead the viewers in my opinion. Why would media do that if they were not pushing a point of view?

e. If Zimmerman is a "stalker", why did he call the police first? Again, not passing judgement, but if you call the cops, at least that is a correct "first" step.

f. When I was 17, I can honestly say I would never have considered putting on a hoody and running through people's back yards. I grew up in a rough neighborhood, so the expectation was you would probably get a bullet in your ass if you did so.
How in hell is BP offering a bounty on a man not a hate crime under Federal law? WTF, over. How is that garbage spewing from his mouth different than the "racist hate speech" that the MSM claimed during the Tea Party protests?

Because dude, black people are being murdered all over America. Apparently they're the only ones, and black people never kill other black people so it's obviously a white guy every time. Can't you see that? Geez, you've had, like, 400 years to get this right.
All we know? That didn't seem to have any bearing in your last post when you called Zimmerman a "wannabe cop looking for trouble". You went on to say "there's something very worng with that" in regards to the amount of times he called 911, while failing to mention the number of burglaries in the area that would have put anyone on edge. You seem to have bought into the media bias. Yet now you want to talk about "all we know"? If "any picture is pretty irrelevant", then why is every single picture in the media an outdated one showing a much younger Trayvon Martin? What was your first thought when you saw the pictures? To say that the pictures are irrelevant is only true in a vacuum. Pictures sway public opinion, and public opinion in a case like this has the potential to cause major problems. Jesse Jackson has started talking about how all black people are under attack, and the President even felt the need to comment on this case before the facts are in, saying that "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." How much of that do you think is based on the pictures? I wonder what people's opinion would be if the "thug" picture was the one being shown instead. You have no problem casting judgment prematurely onto Zimmerman with nothing to base it on, but a concrete picture showing Trayvon acting like a gangster idiot is irrelevant?
I haven't bought into anything. I think he should've let the police do their jobs. My son is only a little bit older than Martin was and I shudder to think that some neighborhood watchman could kill him just because he thought he looked 'suspicious'.
It's not bullshit. Apparently you don't know a lot of people under 20. A lot of people- me included- don't put shit like that online. So you're right about that. But for him to post that is not uncommon and in my eyes doesn't saying anything about him other than he's a 17 year old looking to impress girls.

I thought you said "every 15-18 year old"? Which is it, counselor? Your eyes need some checking.
Because dude, black people are being murdered all over America. Apparently they're the only ones, and black people never kill other black people so it's obviously a white guy every time. Can't you see that? Geez, you've had, like, 400 years to get this right.

A review of events at Mississippi State U over the weekend would show that is an inaccurate statement. ;)

"hide your kids, hide your wife..."