Trayvon Martin Case

@Pocc: I can see how you would connect the photo I posted and the statement I posted to every gangsta wearing a hoodie, or those wearing hoodies being gangstas. That was not my intent.

My problem lies with the MSM. Simply put, TM was NOT the 11 year old innocent boy 9 out of 10 media outlets are subscribing to. He was 6'2", 17, and 170lbs, so why not put up pics of TM present day? There are plenty of available photos, check his Myspace and his tweets...Drug deals being discussed and gang signs practiced......totally different picture of a young TM gangsta wannabe can be found all over the place.

To buy into the innocent 11yr old boy pictures is simply naive at a profound level. (not saying you have Pocc)

I participate in my Neighborhood Watch, and, I'll admit, hoodies up at this time of year gain my attention. Does this mean one of the walking teens in my neighborhood is a gangsta? Hell no, but along with JBS, my spidey senses have me checking to make sure the magazine is well seated.

Photo of Zimmerman's bloody lacerated head emerges:

It's amazing they set his bond at $150K, despite the fact that Zimmerman has posed no flight risk, initiated contact with the prosecutor, and on top of that has photographic evidence that Martin bashed his head up against the sidewalk.

I would say that bashing of the skull against the pavement or the curb is prima facie evidence (?) of a threat of death or serious bodily harm.
Well considering the prosecution wanted no bail or $1 million, a $150k bail is probably about as good a deal as he could get. The judge making that big of a departure from the prosecutions request is an acknowledgement that the judge doesn't consider him a serious flight threat. His family will have to come up with $25k in cash but it will hopefully be doable.
Hoodie's, I have a few. Almost all are Army, deployment or shooting match related. I don’t associate a hoodie with gangbanger, but I would be posturing if someone with a hoodie on in 70+% weather was walking around my house, or into a store, etc.

A licensed CCW holder having a handgun on him/her while acting as a Neighborhood Watch is an if'y area. In the state of Texas it could be considered a violation of the state "private security board" rules/regs and laws. I am not up to speed on FL, but it would really be up to how they legally define a Neighborhood Watchmen and an Armed Security Guard.

The self-defense aspect could hold weight, if the defense can prove that GZ was in fact reasonable for fearing for his life, however, his following of TM will add confusion to the jury. I would expect that the Murder 2 charge will be acquitted and that he will face later charges regarding small violations and receive some sort of probation, or time served. This will be an effort for the state and county to avoid follow on civil suit from GZ. However, if I were him I would file suit on the media for character and reputation slander, as well as the state attorney’s office for false charges and imprisonment. Needless to say, this is the next big national trial and will once again ruin another person’s life for your viewing pleasure.

As for the up-in-arms people over race and or all the other groups of dumbasses that want to make something from nothing. I think every last one of you cock suckers will burn in hell, and only hope that one day it will be legal to purge all of you from the planet.
I love how, when no one knows what really happened, the media goes into scare tactics mode. They tried to convince everyone that Zimmerman took advantage of a law to commit murder because YEEE-HAW. For me, there's no question as to why they operate like this. Just ask yourself what is better frontpage material: "Guy killed guy in supposed self-defense; authorities still investigating" or "White man abuses a loophole in the law to murder black man and get away with it; observers claim Lincoln's statue shed a single tear".
@Pocc: I can see how you would connect the photo I posted and the statement I posted to every gangsta wearing a hoodie, or those wearing hoodies being gangstas. That was not my intent.

My problem lies with the MSM. Simply put, TM was NOT the 11 year old innocent boy 9 out of 10 media outlets are subscribing to. He was 6'2", 17, and 170lbs, so why not put up pics of TM present day? There are plenty of available photos, check his Myspace and his tweets...Drug deals being discussed and gang signs practiced......totally different picture of a young TM gangsta wannabe can be found all over the place.

To buy into the innocent 11yr old boy pictures is simply naive at a profound level. (not saying you have Pocc)

I participate in my Neighborhood Watch, and, I'll admit, hoodies up at this time of year gain my attention. Does this mean one of the walking teens in my neighborhood is a gangsta? Hell no, but along with JBS, my spidey senses have me checking to make sure the magazine is well seated.


Completely agree with what you're saying bro.

This whole court case is gonna be an absolute fucking disaster. Too much has been said in the media, alot of it pure speulation or misinformation, that Zimmerman needs a whole lot of luck to get any kind of fair trial. IMO.
Watched the hearing.
Prosecutor is a jackass who will alienate the jury.
Defense will attempt to put as many Hispanics/ old white people on the jury as possible. Prosecution team will try to stack the jury with blacks.
My wife says the $150K bail was a major win for the defense, and agrees the Judge didn't seem happy with the Prosecutor's tactics.
The Judge's instructions to the Jury will determine the outcome. Given the choice, the Jury may convict of manslaughter; all or nothing will see an acquittal of the 2nd Degree Murder charge.
It's an election year, FL AG needs to show the Black Community she cares. Hoefully the White/Hispanic Communities notice and shit-can the AG's ass.
Interesting idea in Annapolis, MD.

Woodside Gardens residents challenge security methods
April 13 incident caused tensions between tenants and guards to escalate

By ELISHA SAUERS, Staff Writer
Published 04/22/12

In most Annapolis neighborhoods, seeing men walking the streets in bulletproof vests, armed with guns and carrying pepper spray, would come as a shock.
Residents of Woodside Gardens, a low-income private apartment complex south of Forest Drive, might see that any day of the week.
Tenants say that over the past month their landlord has ramped up the use of a private security company that they describe as using paramilitary tactics to deter trespassers, loiterers and drug dealers.
Hoodie's, I have a few. Almost all are Army, deployment or shooting match related. I don’t associate a hoodie with gangbanger...

I don't either, but it seems to be part of the uniform of choice for the gangbangers around here. All of this was in today's newspaper:
The suspect is described as about 5’11” and thin. He wore a burgundy hooded sweatshirt
Spears made the leap, leaving part of his hooded sweatshirt on the spikes, police said. Spears ran past four little girls playing in the yard, as Conceicao grabbed for what remained of his sweatshirt. Spears pulled out a handgun and threw it. The gun landed just feet away from the children and Spears was tackled, police said. The gun, a .22 caliber semi-automatic, was loaded
The gunman is believed to be in his teens, about 6 feet tall, stocky and was wearing a black face mask, a black baggy hooded sweatshirt and black sweat pants.
Has anyone else heard the moving and eloquent tribute the rapper Plies has written for the deceased?O_o
I'm pretty neutral on this, but how much money do you think this dude gave to the family for legal fees and what not? I'm going with zero. What an ass.
I don't get the whole "I was suspended from high school" part. That doesn't define who you are or make you much different than a lot of high school kids. When I was in HS, kids got suspended for being tardy to class 5 times in a semester- not really an indicator of being a psychotic, violent thug. I keep hearing how bringing up Zimmerman's criminal record is wrong and shouldn't play a role in this issue (which I agree with, considering the circumstances) but why the double standard with Martin and his behavior? I feel like there backlash to this whole story is starting to become as outlandish as the initial reaction to the shooting.
I don't either, but it seems to be part of the uniform of choice for the gangbangers around here. All of this was in today's newspaper:
The suspect is described as about 5’11” and thin. He wore a burgundy hooded sweatshirt
Spears made the leap, leaving part of his hooded sweatshirt on the spikes, police said. Spears ran past four little girls playing in the yard, as Conceicao grabbed for what remained of his sweatshirt. Spears pulled out a handgun and threw it. The gun landed just feet away from the children and Spears was tackled, police said. The gun, a .22 caliber semi-automatic, was loaded
The gunman is believed to be in his teens, about 6 feet tall, stocky and was wearing a black face mask, a black baggy hooded sweatshirt and black sweat pants.
This. The majority of suspect descriptions I took for reports included some kind of hooded sweatshirt (ie color, style, material, team logo ect...) The variations can sometimes (read sometimes) identify a gang or subset of a gang.
This. The majority of suspect descriptions I took for reports included some kind of hooded sweatshirt (ie color, style, material, team logo ect...) The variations can sometimes (read sometimes) identify a gang or subset of a gang.

When you come over in a few weeks can we wear hoodies on a beer run?