Trayvon Martin Case

I got suspended from school for a day. Karate kicked a teacher's son in the ribs. He charged me after I pulled the fingers.

And I'm not totally a waste of oxygen in today's society.
I think one of the problems with this is that ZIMMERMAN SHOT AN UNARMED MAN !!! How is this at all justified? I don't care if he was wearing bloods colors, and uelling Fuck the police! Wearing a hoodie doesn't make you a criminal. Walking through a neighborhood or getting suspended from school doesn't make you a thug. Shit even flipping off a camera doesn't mean anything, there are pics of me doing the same thing I am sure. If I was Mr. Zimmerman I would be very nervous, seeing as I got my ass beat by a 17 year old and resorted to shooting an unarmed man.

That is my piece on this subject.
I think one of the problems with this is that ZIMMERMAN SHOT AN UNARMED MAN !!! How is this at all justified? I don't care if he was wearing bloods colors, and uelling Fuck the police! Wearing a hoodie doesn't make you a criminal. Walking through a neighborhood or getting suspended from school doesn't make you a thug. Shit even flipping off a camera doesn't mean anything, there are pics of me doing the same thing I am sure. If I was Mr. Zimmerman I would be very nervous, seeing as I got my ass beat by a 17 year old and resorted to shooting an unarmed man.

That is my piece on this subject.
The size difference in this equation cannot be ignored IMO. Martin was 6 foot 2 and Zimmerman is listed at 5 feet and 9 inches here:

Also, if the theory of Zimmerman being sucker punched is true, it would explain why he got his ass beat as well.
The size difference in this equation cannot be ignored IMO. Martin was 6 foot 2 and Zimmerman is listed at 5 feet and 9 inches here:

Size is more than just inches. The link you gave list Martin as 6'0" 160 pounds and Zimmerman as 5'9" but no weight is list. 160 pounds at 6 foot suggests to me the kid was probably still growing into his body. There is also a mature body versus immature body advantage. In the end both people had potential advantages and disadvantages in any confrontation.
I think one of the problems with this is that ZIMMERMAN SHOT AN UNARMED MAN !!! How is this at all justified?
I would shoot an unarmed man, too, if he attacked me. Given the choice, at this point in my life the only type of fight I'm going to engage is a gunfight- that's just the way it is, fights are for kids. That's one reason why you don't mess with people- you don't know who has a gun and who doesn't. On top of that, you just shouldn't mess with anybody.

I don't get the whole "I was suspended from high school" part. That doesn't define who you are or make you much different than a lot of high school kids. When I was in HS, kids got suspended for being tardy to class 5 times in a semester- not really an indicator of being a psychotic, violent thug.
I think Hannity originally reported something about drug possession being the reason for his suspension. There hasn't been much more talk about it, so he may have been wrong or it may just have been forgotten about.
In the end the case will be decided on whether self defense/stand your ground argument still apply considering the events leading up the the actual gun shot. If the case is only about the seconds leading up to the shooting Zimmerman wins and if the case becomes about the actions leading up to the shooting Zimmerman loses. Really it will only take one sympathetic juror to stop Zimmerman from being convicted of anything and that what he is betting on.
Its not about height or weight or even the sucker puch, IMO. It's about Zimmerman getting his head bashed against the cement curb repeatedly.

A .45 to the face is appropriate if you have been surprised by an attacker and with your last bit of disoriented consciousness decide you'd like to be there for your kids' next birthday. If you know you are about to go to sleep and may get kicked and stomped to death, then hell f*** yes you better pull your piece and fight for survival.
So he still shot a tall unarmed man..? And sucker punched or not there was no need for ANYONE to die.

Serious question. If you, your wife, parents, anyone was armed and they were attacked by someone that they were unable to either physically defend against or escape from, what would you advocate?

I was taught that if you have a firearm and you loose a fight, that firearm gets used against you...
I think one of the problems with this is that ZIMMERMAN SHOT AN UNARMED MAN !!! How is this at all justified? I don't care if he was wearing bloods colors, and uelling Fuck the police! Wearing a hoodie doesn't make you a criminal. Walking through a neighborhood or getting suspended from school doesn't make you a thug. Shit even flipping off a camera doesn't mean anything, there are pics of me doing the same thing I am sure. If I was Mr. Zimmerman I would be very nervous, seeing as I got my ass beat by a 17 year old and resorted to shooting an unarmed man.

That is my piece on this subject.

It's not necessarily illegal to shoot an unarmed man, to shoot someone in the back, or to shoot someone who is on the ground. It's all about context, and there are many factors to consider.

Many people are capable of killing with their bare hands (including most, if not all, of us here).

Without commenting on any other aspect of the case, I'll say this. If things ever went so badly for me that I ended up on my back in the street with someone banging my head against the road, I'm going to shoot them. I'm well aware of what can happen to me in that situation-serious bodily injury or death is certainly possible. And that's the bar.

In the end the case will be decided on whether self defense/stand your ground argument still apply considering the events leading up the the actual gun shot. If the case is only about the seconds leading up to the shooting Zimmerman wins and if the case becomes about the actions leading up to the shooting Zimmerman loses. Really it will only take one sympathetic juror to stop Zimmerman from being convicted of anything and that what he is betting on.

You're right. The facts leading up to Martin approaching Zimmerman are either going to be red herrings or damning depending on the skill levels of the attorneys. If the defense is successful on keeping the emphasis on the fight itself, and the facts are as we know them, then Zimmerman is on solid ground. Of course, with juries solid legal ground doesn't always matter. :hmm:

The stand your ground law argument is also a red herring. It's generally true that where 'stand your ground' laws don't exist, you are only required to retreat if it is possible and safe for you to do so. If you simply can't, or if retreating would expose you to the same or higher danger, then you aren't required to do so. Stand your ground laws presuppose a choice. If Zimmerman wasn't physically able to retreat, or couldn't have done so safely, then he didn't have a choice and stand your ground is moot. The laws governing self-defense generally require that reasonable force be used, and that deadly force only be used when in fear of serious bodily injury or death. Whether that fear and the use of deadly force was reasonable is a matter for the jury to decide.

No matter what, I don't want to be Zimmerman.
The stand your ground law argument is also a red herring. It's generally true that where 'stand your ground' laws don't exist, you are only required to retreat if it is possible and safe for you to do so. If you simply can't, or if retreating would expose you to the same or higher danger, then you aren't required to do so. Stand your ground laws presuppose a choice. If Zimmerman wasn't physically able to retreat, or couldn't have done so safely, then he didn't have a choice and stand your ground is moot. The laws governing self-defense generally require that reasonable force be used, and that deadly force only be used when in fear of serious bodily injury or death. Whether that fear and the use of deadly force was reasonable is a matter for the jury to decide.

No matter what, I don't want to be Zimmerman.

Agree with the entire post. Best one I've read on this thread. If and/or when a POLICEMAN is under attack and fears for his life, he will use deadly force IN FEAR FOR HIS LIFE. What a lot of folks do not understand is that you operate every single day under the same pretext as the LEA's, in ALMOST every state of the union!

The highlighted red is also a red herring.

If/when you fall under the same or nearly the same criteria as Zimmerman, DO NOT FOR ANY REASON state that "I thought ~the perpetrator~ was going to do "serious bodily injury" to my person". "I want to talk to my lawyer now" should be the ONLY words that utter from your mouth.

If, and when, pressed by the LEO's on-site, and you will be pressured to say something, the next thing you say, and biting your tongue while saying it, is "I WAS IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE"........then make the call to your lawyer and STFU.

IANAL, but enough info is out there for those 2A / RTKBA believers.

IMHO, Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. The Florida court will decide. "Stand Your Ground" in Florida will be debated for a very long time.​
I think one of the problems with this is that ZIMMERMAN SHOT AN UNARMED MAN !!! How is this at all justified? I don't care if he was wearing bloods colors, and uelling Fuck the police! Wearing a hoodie doesn't make you a criminal. Walking through a neighborhood or getting suspended from school doesn't make you a thug. Shit even flipping off a camera doesn't mean anything, there are pics of me doing the same thing I am sure. If I was Mr. Zimmerman I would be very nervous, seeing as I got my ass beat by a 17 year old and resorted to shooting an unarmed man.

That is my piece on this subject.

Lots of deaths caused by unarmed men. If I am in fear of my life, you could have a pencil and I would still shoot someone dead.

I got suspended from school for a day. Karate kicked a teacher's son in the ribs. He charged me after I pulled the fingers.

And I'm not totally a waste of oxygen in today's society.

I got suspended from school so many times I don't even remember the number.

It's not necessarily illegal to shoot an unarmed man, to shoot someone in the back, or to shoot someone who is on the ground.