Trayvon Martin Case

One recent Florida case that may negatively impact Zimmerman's case was the Florida women that was convicted of aggravated assault. She tried to use the stand your ground defense but the judge wouldn't allow it because she left the house then went back into the house and then discharged the gun.

I'm not sure they are exactly comparable but if the judge doesn't allow the stand your ground defense Zimmerman could be in real trouble.
One recent Florida case that may negatively impact Zimmerman's case was the Florida women that was convicted of aggravated assault. She tried to use the stand your ground defense but the judge wouldn't allow it because she left the house then went back into the house and then discharged the gun.

I'm not sure they are exactly comparable but if the judge doesn't allow the stand your ground defense Zimmerman could be in real trouble.
Yes! I saw this case and it was astonishing!

The woman was sentenced to 20 years for firing a warning shot near her abusive husband (after he repeatedly threatened to kill her)!

Is it just me, or does the law need to be looked at when it is legal to put someone in the grave with a .45, but firing a warning shot (in a safe direction) at one's own discretion to possibly end the engagement peacefully can lead to life in prison?

Wielding deadly force- the premise is that I can be entrusted with the right to defend myself in a life-or-death situation. Can I not be trusted to put a round into the deck in the chance that it might end the engagement without loss of life? I'm not commenting on which kids of situations might merit this activity, because I suppose a grand case could be made if we wanted to lay this issue out and examine it carefully. I'm just wondering why warning shots are punished so severely.
Yeah, she shot into the ceiling and he left after that (probably to change his shorts). I think she should have shot him, but at the time, I guess she felt a warning was best. Shit, for 20 years, I bet she wishes she put that round between his eyes.

I was appalled at the decision to put her behind bars.
Kill your child and don't report it for a month. Walk.

Fire a warning shot at your abusive husband. 20 years.

Shoot someone who is beating the shit out of you. Get charged with 2nd degree murder & the whole country thinks you're racist.

Florida is confusing.
(1) Kill your child and don't report it for a month. Walk.

(2) Fire a warning shot at your abusive husband. 20 years.

(3)Shoot someone who is beating the shit out of you. Get charged with 2nd degree murder & the whole country thinks you're racist.

Florida is confusing.
Look no offense, but ignorant statements breed stereotypes that are misleading....

1.) The prosecution failed to prove its case for the charges sought. The only reason she walked was because the state attorney was an idiot and went for the sexy charge the public wanted instead of the charge he could prove. Was she guilty of something? Absolutely. Just not the charge she was given. The jury did the right thing.

2.) There is no difference or differentiation between a warning shot and a successful hit in this state according to the law. When that weapon is discharged it is deadly force regardless of where aimed or where hit. Not being familiar with the particulars of this case I just wanted to point out that in this state discharge of a firearm at or near another human being is deadly force. There is no line drawn between drilling the ten ring or popping one off in the air.

3.) He was charged with 2nd degree murder because of factors other than just having the shit beat out of him. He apparently did place himself in that situation. Until the trail plays out and we see all the evidence then it's up in the air.
2.) There is no difference or differentiation between a warning shot and a successful hit in this state according to the law. When that weapon is discharged it is deadly force regardless of where aimed or where hit. Not being familiar with the particulars of this case I just wanted to point out that in this state discharge of a firearm at or near another human being is deadly force. There is no line drawn between drilling the ten ring or popping one off in the air...

Yes, and that's what makes it bone-assed ridiculous.

There might not be a difference in what some mouth breathing committee typed on a piece of paper when the law was drafted, but there's a staggering difference in terms of loss of life or limb, the long term ramifications from a psychological perspective, the possibility of creating orphans in a moment of confrontation, and the impact on people's lives when deadly force is actually used. Compare actually using a firearm in self defense against another person, versus deliberately and carefully firing a single round into the deck which- no matter what Florida legislators say- is not deadly force. Classifying a responsible warning shot as "deadly force" is a trick of verbiage and lawyering.

And, just to be clear, I'm not even advocating the use of warning shots one way or the other. I'm just pointing out how asinine a law can be when someone is DELIBERATELY avoiding the taking of human life, and getting sentenced to 20 years for it. Maybe it should be illegal, but should someone get sentenced to 20 years for that?
Classifying a responsible warning shot as "deadly force" is a trick of verbiage and lawyering.

Responsible is the catch. There is a world of difference between someone deliberately putting a round into a safe backstop and what most people do, which is haphazardly sending a ballistic cry for help into the surrounding neighborhood. I'm not sure that sending a round into the ceiling Old West style constitutes using a safe backstop.

And, just to be clear, I'm not even advocating the use of warning shots one way or the other. I'm just pointing out how asinine a law can be when someone is DELIBERATELY avoiding the taking of human life, and getting sentenced to 20 years for it. Maybe it should be illegal, but should someone get sentenced to 20 years for that?

Just to be clear she was sentenced to 20 years because the legislature took the discretion out of the judges hands by making mandatory minimums.

Plus with the judges ruling that it wasn't self defense because she went back into the house with the gun was what brought the heavy charges. The minute the judge block the stand your ground defense she should have taken the plea deal.
Amazing in modern America that such radical groups such as the New Black Panthers can openly exist and the Federal government takes no action. Isn't this the same trash that intimidated voters at the poles in Philly? The attorney general sees no wrong doing and is not morally obligated to prosecute these racists. I dare any other group of people in America to attempt such activities. Just disgusting...
Autopsy: Trayvon Martin Had Weed in His System

Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old who was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, had the drug THC in his system the night of this death, according to new information obtained by ABC News.
The revelation came as prosecutors in the case prepared to release to the public hundreds of pages of new evidence along with videos and crime scene photos.

Martin's death sparked public outrage after police released Martin's shooter, George Zimmerman, without any criminal charges for the killing.

Zimmerman, 28, is a multi-racial Hispanic man who shot the black high school junior at close range on Feb. 26, and claimed self-defense, though Martin was unarmed. Zimmerman was later charged with second-degree murder, and the killing provoked widespread debate about racial profiling.

The autopsy report shows traces of the drug THC, which is found in marijuana, in Martin's blood and urine.

The autopsy also shows that Zimmerman shot Martin from a distance of between 1 inch and 18 inches away, bolstering Zimmerman's claim that he shot Martin during a struggle that landed Zimmerman on his back, Martin straddling him and banging Zimmerman's head on the ground.

Martin's autopsy report also revealed that there was a quarter-inch by half-inch abrasion on the left fourth finger of Martin, another indication of a possible struggle. The teen, who lived in Miami, was in Sanford while serving a suspension for a bag of marijuana being discovered in his possession.

Later today, a trove of documents that are part of the discovery in Zimmerman's trial are expected to be released on a website run by the state's attorney, including 67 CDs worth of documents, video of Martin on the night of the shooting, his autopsy report and videos of Zimmerman's questioning by police.

So, he's suspended from school for smoking weed and he's got weed in his system the night of the incident. The evidence surrounding Trayvon Martin as a person tells me all I need to know. I can't wait to see how this trial plays out.
Surprise surprise. Despite all the evidence some people will still think hes an innocent little saint.
This case has sparked quite a bit of talk about neighborhood watches and whether or not they are viable, and also whether or not the members should be allowed to be armed. Perhaps you can make the argument that Zimmerman only felt confident enough to follow Trayvon in the first place due to his having a gun on him. However, I would argue that Zimmerman would have followed him anyways, and being that Trayvon then turned and attacked, had Zimmerman not been armed we would be dealing with a much different situation. Somehow I think plenty of people would still be blaming a dead/seriously injured Zimmerman and the self-defense argument would be more than allowable for Trayvon Martin. Fortunately, it seems this case had the right ending. One less wannabe gangsta fucktard in the world.
This case has sparked quite a bit of talk about neighborhood watches and whether or not they are viable, and also whether or not the members should be allowed to be armed.

Neighborhood watches do not add to nor take away a citizens right to keep and bear arms. If a "walker" around my neighborhood is carrying, so be it, I do, and as long as they're abiding by state laws it is completely legal.

........ Fortunately, it seems this case had the right ending. One less wannabe gangsta fucktard in the world.

If there is a "walker" in your neighborhood, you need to give him two to the head!


Oh, not that kind of walker ;)
I blame the parents who failed to take responsibility and enabled this young man towards this behavior. I have seen these parents before many , many times visiting their sons in prisons, jails and at crimes scenes. Worthless self proclaimed victims of popular culture looking for a Klansman under every bed or rouge cops gone wild, pointing fingers. They never looking at themselves or their lack of leadership, example and guidance for these young people. They enable their children with excuses for horrible behavior the ones they are vested in raising and giving to our society as productive adults contributing to our America. With a obvious lack of discipline, respect and basic courtesy towards others. Obviously this brat attacked Zimmerman. Do I agree with Zimmerman's actions... No! Shooting was an extreme last resort and I would have hoped he would have whipped this punks ass and put the puke in the hospital. Although I feel the shooting was justified I don't feel it was necessary based on the information I have read and viewed regarding this. Of course I don't know the true story or the facts nor does anyone else at this point. Nor I'm I sympathetic towards the family or this Man/ kid / thug. The medical reports from Zimmerman's Doctor I heard on three separate news channels indicates he had a broken nose, lacerations to his face and numerous other injuries. The medical reports also fail to state Zimmerman's knuckles were marked up from putting hands on this idiot. Based on those reports its pretty plain he was attacked and assaulted by the subject and the shooting was in response to this personal bodily attack.

I have two sons and if my son attacked a man on his property, trespassed, utlilized violence and used the type of language toward the man this puke did then so be it. I would be upset at the loss of my son but accept that he caused his death through his uncivilized and criminal behavior. Of course I believe in merit, personal responsibility, civilized society and not being a victim...