Trayvon Martin Case

Yep. My first response is always to let my two rottweilers out to run a couple laps around the house. I have 3 other SF guys on one side of me, and the only house that is on the other side is a guy in the q-course.
Yep. My first response is always to let my two rottweilers out to run a couple laps around the house. I have 3 other SF guys on one side of me, and the only house that is on the other side is a guy in the q-course.

Lol.... So someone with nefarious intentions would basically be attacking half an ODA. I really want some shithead to try something in your neighborhood just so I can read the AAR.

MIAMI – An Orlando woman now in her mid-20s told investigators that George Zimmerman, who is charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, molested her over a decade, beginning when they were both young children, according to an audio tape released on Monday.

The woman, whose parents were close to the Zimmerman family, talked to investigators on March 20. Identified only as Witness 9, she said she had come forward now, a decade after her last encounter with Mr. Zimmerman, 28, because, after his arrest, she was no longer afraid of him.

No longer afraid of him? What a crock.

Unbelievable. Good luck finding a non-biased jury for this one. #9 now will be investigated for her whole past, and should be.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if they found Black Panther phone numbers or Al Sharpton's phone number on her cell phone bill.

-if it happened when they were "both young children," then I'm not sure how he would be criminally liable in the first place.

-if it happened when they were "both young children," I've got to imagine that the statute of limitations has expired by now.

-smells attention-whorish to me.
Mr. Zimmerman’s lawyer, Mark O’Mara, who first sought to block the release of Witness 9’s statement on June 18, called the allegations irrelevant to the case and inadmissible in court. Mr. O’Mara said the statement should have been withheld from the public because it would lead to “widespread hostile publicity” and would taint Mr. Zimmerman’s right to a fair trial.

Why the murder investigators would be involved in this is beyond me? If you think it has merit then start a second investigation. Releasing this information doesn't reflect well on the prosecutor and they should have wipe there hands of this mess from day one.
It does wonders to smear the defendant, however. In the minds of some, Zimmerman is the devil, and this is going to reinforce that idea.
I can already see the book deals for the judge, jury, defendant, family members now....
Kids, think your Facebook page doesn't matter?

MIAMI — A judge in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Fla., man who said he shot an unarmed teenager, Trayvon Martin, in self-defense, ruled on Friday that Mr. Martin’s school and social media records should be provided to the defense.
The judge, Debra S. Nelson of Seminole County Circuit Court, said Mr. Martin’s Twitter, Facebook and school records were relevant in the self-defense case.
In those instances, showing whether a victim “had an alleged propensity to violence” or aggression is germane, the judge said.
The right call, IMO. If you want to give off the persona of being some gangster or thug, then expect to be treated as such. Actions and words have consequences. The technology this generation is growing up with has alleviated a lot of accountability and allowed people to develop a mindset of being able to say whatever the hell they want without fear of retribution.
The right call, IMO. If you want to give off the persona of being some gangster or thug, then expect to be treated as such. Actions and words have consequences. The technology this generation is growing up with has alleviated a lot of accountability and allowed people to develop a mindset of being able to say whatever the hell they want without fear of retribution.

So did Zimmerman have access to Martin's Facebook page before he shot him? Or was Zimmerman only making a decision based on the facts immediately before him?