Trayvon Martin Case

The problem that the defense is having to address with this whole facebook crap, is the most vivid portrayal of Martin... to give a mental picture for the jury as to what Zimmerman was seeing as he was assaulted, prior to having to drop the hammer.
So did Zimmerman have access to Martin's Facebook page before he shot him? Or was Zimmerman only making a decision based on the facts immediately before him?
I'm guessing that Zimmerman was making a decision based on facts that are SUPPORTED by Martin's Facebook page and which are in direct conflict with the narrative that lead to belated charges being filed against him.
It's a double edged sword. People sometimes misrepresent themselves online. The defense can easily pull up other online personas and demonstrate that the things said on the internet are not reliable indicators of who a person is. I think Martin was a rough kid and probably could have killed or given brain damage to Zimmerman in their confrontation, but I doubt the Facebook thing is going to make anything a slam dunk.
There are a number of ways Zimmerman can "win" and one of those is making the deceased look bad. Not the first time in a court of law and it won't be the last. This is why you have a character witness(es) in a trial, to support or refute the behavior of the parties involved. No doubt the prosecution will have a bunch of "He was a wonderful, Godly child who never hurt a fly" friends and family prepared to show up. By allowing Martin's school and online presence to be known, the defense can discredit some of those witnesses or at least lessen their impact.

With the records becoming evidence, this also forces the prosecution to expend time and energy finding ways to offset whatever's contained in them. If the defense has witnesses who would testify that Martin was angry, "thuggish", or whatever the records could also help support those claims.

Many of us have teens. How many times have we asked them "What did you do today" or "What are doing now" only to be told "Nothing"? "Nothing"...this provides the defense with something to fill in the "nothings" in Martin's short life.
I'm guessing that Zimmerman was making a decision based on facts that are SUPPORTED by Martin's Facebook page and which are in direct conflict with the narrative that lead to belated charges being filed against him.

I'm trying to not be a Monday morning quarterback, but instead judge Zimmerman's actions using the same information he had. Just as the defense can use social media to vilify Martin, I don't believe the prosecution should be able to say all these great innocent things about him, if that information wasn't available to Zimmerman when he killed Martin. It's really easy to sit back now and talk of Skittles and Facebook pages, but IMO only those facts available to Zimmerman should be in evidence.
I'm trying to not be a Monday morning quarterback, but instead judge Zimmerman's actions using the same information he had. Just as the defense can use social media to vilify Martin, I don't believe the prosecution should be able to say all these great innocent things about him, if that information wasn't available to Zimmerman when he killed Martin. It's really easy to sit back now and talk of Skittles and Facebook pages, but IMO only those facts available to Zimmerman should be in evidence.

Concur. Attorneys do a remarkably good job of taking one from where you should be, to where they want you to be. That is how the guilty get off, and sometimes the innocent pay an unjust price.

RF 1
I'm trying to not be a Monday morning quarterback, but instead judge Zimmerman's actions using the same information he had. Just as the defense can use social media to vilify Martin, I don't believe the prosecution should be able to say all these great innocent things about him, if that information wasn't available to Zimmerman when he killed Martin. It's really easy to sit back now and talk of Skittles and Facebook pages, but IMO only those facts available to Zimmerman should be in evidence.
I get that, but the genie is already out of the bottle. The ONLY reason this has even gone to trial is the Monday morning quarterbacking that went on in the press.
Self defense.

Momma says he was an angel who would never do drugs or get into fights.
Facebook and School records (along with Coroner's Report) may say otherwise.

Establish that Trayvon was a drug using, angry black man, and you further justify self-defense.
Self defense.

Momma says he was an angel who would never do drugs or get into fights.
Facebook and School records (along with Coroner's Report) may say otherwise.

Establish that Trayvon was a drug using, angry black man, and you further justify self-defense.

"Self-defense" and/or "Stand your ground".......I know, I know......not using this angle......but I would still use it.

Succint SOWT, and winnable on your words alone.
Sorry for the slight necro-post, but saw this pop up today.

In the year since it landed on the international news radar, the Trayvon Martin case has raised a global discussion about Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law. But in a stunning twist of events Tuesday morning, George Zimmerman's attorneys waived their client's right to a scheduled April 22 hearing that was to be held under the law that has sparked so much debate,
ABC news reports.
Egyptians, Vikings, and Mayans were buried with weapons and animals for the afterlife and as a sign of respect.

Did Skittles replace broadswords? Personally, I'd want a cricket bat and sand wedge with me if I were to occupy real estate
Well Nancy grace was just moved to the top of TLDR20's "worlds most annoying person" list. The way she talks is absolutely horrible. I can't believe she has her own show!
Z has 5 guns with 100 rounds and that's an arsenal? Uh oh...:bow:

Larry Elder hit the nail on the head. Nancy Grace needs to shut her cock holster.

Well Nancy grace was just moved to the top of TLDR20's "worlds most annoying person" list. The way she talks is absolutely horrible. I can't believe she has her own show!

If she was unbiased and unobjective as to her questioning, that would be one thing. The fact that not only her tone snarks of sensationalism to get a reaction, her law back ground and her disregard for legal understanding makes me cringe.