I agree. Poorly worded question on my part. If you were re-designing the training, what would it look like?
The first problem is I don't think the military really knows what it wants the end product of training to look like. The AF half ass trains accuracy, then tries to make it somewhat tactical by adding a really slow par time that doesn't really matter. What's a reasonable standard of performance for a FOB dweller for self defense? I seriously don't know what's reasonable for a new shooter after one day of training.
I haven't shot the full (academics and shooting with a full class, versus just shooting over lunch with a CATM dude watching) AF qual in probably 4 years, so it may have changed but I always thought it seemed like a cop qual. I don't need to learn to shoot over the hood of a car or draw from the "interview position." Most folks don't have the marksmanship fundamentals to be screwing around at 25 yards, or shooting snail's pace Mozambique drills. I think most folks (at least in the AF) would be better served by standing and shooting at 2" dots at 7 yards.
The first problem is I don't think the military really knows what it wants the end product of training to look like. The AF half ass trains accuracy, then tries to make it somewhat tactical by adding a really slow par time that doesn't really matter. What's a reasonable standard of performance for a FOB dweller for self defense? I seriously don't know what's reasonable for a new shooter after one day of training.
I haven't shot the full (academics and shooting with a full class, versus just shooting over lunch with a CATM dude watching) AF qual in probably 4 years, so it may have changed but I always thought it seemed like a cop qual. I don't need to learn to shoot over the hood of a car or draw from the "interview position." Most folks don't have the marksmanship fundamentals to be screwing around at 25 yards, or shooting snail's pace Mozambique drills. I think most folks (at least in the AF) would be better served by standing and shooting at 2" dots at 7 yards.