Not Work Safe Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Talks to Young Voters

God I hate young people and their self declared importance and superiority. I hate even more, older people who have allowed this self indulgent bullshit to flourish in society.
Why aren't idiots like this slapped in the face and told to grow the fuck up?
For the first time in my life I can see value in commie re-education work camps. Or better still conscription...

God I hate young people and their self declared importance and superiority. I hate even more, older people who have allowed this self indulgent bullshit to flourish in society.
Why aren't idiots like this slapped in the face and told to grow the fuck up?
For the first time in my life I can see value in commie re-education work camps. Or better still conscription...


I'm 100% in the conscription camp, these sorry ass punks need to understand freedom is not free and more so, just because you have freedom, doesn't mean you can't lose it through stupidity.
That vid hurt my feels, you insensitive, militaristic, misogynistic, oppressive, persons without fathers.... so Fuck you.... I'm going to see my shrink, get diagnosed with some emotional trauma and go on welfare and social security, and have the government pay for my education, while I advocate for the open emigration of all Islamists that want to kill everything that isn't Islam, because they're persecuted....

(that was hard to write, except for the fuck you part...)
Je-sus. This is what happens when people don't have to survive and when no calls them on the fact they're batshit fucking crazy. The fact that terms like "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" even exist fills me with enough rage that my brain just did a CTRL-ALT-DELETE and had to reboot. These are socially retarded people who have been left alone to their own devices for far too long.
If this is what it is like at colleges, I wonder what it is like at the high schools where they come from. I would assume that people mature as time goes on, so is it even worse at the high schools they attend? Or did they not change? Thankfully I don't go to a high school where many people are like these colleges students, but the thought of having to attend one with many similar people makes me cringe.
I can only speak for U of L and a couple Indiana State campuses I've hung out at, but its about 5% that are like this. All in soft majors that will leave them scrambling for a job. All the STEM majors are keeping their heads down and trying to pass the next class. The business majors drink a lot and don't give a crap about anything but landing the career making internship. Indiana schools schools tend to be STEM/Business heavy so maybe that skews the attitudes.
I can only speak for U of L and a couple Indiana State campuses I've hung out at, but its about 5% that are like this. All in soft majors that will leave them scrambling for a job. All the STEM majors are keeping their heads down and trying to pass the next class. The business majors drink a lot and don't give a crap about anything but landing the career making internship. Indiana schools schools tend to be STEM/Business heavy so maybe that skews the attitudes.

That sounds about right. What's funny is how quickly they will lose their goddamned minds if you speak your mind, if it's contrary to popular opinion they'll take pot shots at you in public. It's always the females that are the most vocal.
In the original Freakonomics Steven Levitt very thoroughly debunks the 1 in 5 rape statistic. I keep a copy of Freakonomics in my Jeep so I can point it out to them. followed by "oh so you know more about stats than a University of Chicago Econ professor?" They usually look their heads going to explode.. I haven't been punched yet lol
In the original Freakonomics Steven Levitt very thoroughly debunks the 1 in 5 rape statistic. I keep a copy of Freakonomics in my Jeep so I can point it out to them. followed by "oh so you know more about stats than a University of Chicago Econ professor?" They usually look their heads going to explode.. I haven't been punched yet lol

Last semester in Anthropology class reading "Gang Leader for a Day"and "Dancing Skeletons', got me in hot water with some sorority girls. The class discussion topic at the end circled back to inequality and social mobility. The group consensus was that the poor of Chicago had as much chance of advancement as the people of West Africa (Niger). I disagreed and stated that the people of Chicago had opportunities for advancement. They could join the military and that "as Americans people have so many options". A sorority girl got pissy and stated something along the lines of "so they can go overseas and murder people", at which point the professor stepping in and said "whoa, no personal attacks". Professor said that she apologized after class ended.

Afterwards there were other female comments regarding "the government isn't paying my school" and other jabs. Point I'm trying to make is that these kids just pretend to be open minded. As soon as you make them look like fools, you become a social pariah. Not that it matters.

Edit: For most of us stuff like this is a non issue. The problem is that these kids can reinforce narratives that are socially corrupt and blatantly incorrect. (ie Bernie Sanders) They also wield enormous influence over their peers, especially in academia. With their ease in navigating social media and other alternate forms of communication, this generation doesn't have to be right. They just have to have the loudest voice. Whoever doesn't go along with them is pretty much outcast, at the same time these kids are protected as they know that you cannot lay a hand on them. To fix it, the narrative has to be changed from the inside by people who haven't lived insulated by the walls of academia.

Sorry if that is too wordy. My brain is no good.
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Enjoy...God help the future.

Oh and by the way, I learned that girls with pink sweaters have NO sense of humor.

LMAO! So much awesome mixed with with so much fail. Loved the confidence the girl with glasses had at the end before getting ripped apart.

If this is what it is like at colleges, I wonder what it is like at the high schools where they come from. I would assume that people mature as time goes on, so is it even worse at the high schools they attend? Or did they not change? Thankfully I don't go to a high school where many people are like these colleges students, but the thought of having to attend one with many similar people makes me cringe.

I used to think the same thing. I'm willing to bet you go to school with plenty of people like them. It just takes a couple of semesters of college for them to have their "eyes opened" for the smug filled retard in them to take complete hold.