TSA announces "Conceal/carry" program for domestic flights!


Sep 12, 2012
Bout damn time!

In conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration has just announced a proposal to allow armed Americans onto scheduled domestic flights. The Authorized Concealed Carry Program (ACCP) will create a new class of trained and approved concealed carry permit holders who will be allowed to carry on airplanes . . .

“The terrorist attack in Brussel highlights the need for a radical change in thinking,” TSA Director Troy McLure told a skeptical Washington press corps. “We need an effective deterrent for terrorists that extends beyond the security checkpoints and onto planes . . . Expanding the Air Marshall program would cost billions of taxpayer dollars, and only provide a marginal improvement to the safety of the American traveler.”

“The ACCP would be a force multiplier for Homeland Security,” DHS Director Sojahsay Johnson added. “We’ll be working with the FBI to select, background check and train qualified Americans who travel regularly. We’ll provide them with the skills they need to safely and discreetly carry firearms on domestic flights — and use them to defend against terrorist attack if needed — without putting fellow passengers at risk.”

“Airplanes are the least armed slice of society most Americans encounter; the results are self evident,” McClure insisted. “While we anticipate some resistance to the ACCP, we don’t want to wait until another Brussels-style attack to take positive actions to ensure the safety of American airplane passengers.”

The Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security is due to hear testimony on the proposal sometime next week.
You people kill me. Your mom couldn't suck a dick the way ya'll can suck the life out of a thread.
