Twenty days until SFRE


Verified Military
Feb 6, 2018
Hey gang,

As the title implies, I have 20 days until SFRE in my State.

I've spent the past few months eating well, working out like a madman (300 APFT), practicing land nav, rucking.... the works. I've also completely stopped all alcohol intake.

Any last minute strategies that provide a little boost? I was thinking of dropping in for some yoga classes to help with stretching.

Anyone have any SFRE stories to tell?
I would say take it easy on the rucking between now and SFRE...but overall it sounds like you are on the right track. Best of luck to you and keep us updated.

Since this is an SF related “selection” thread, please do not offer any advice in this thread unless you are a vetted Green Tagged member of this forum.
Since this is an SF related “selection” thread, please do not offer any advice in this thread unless you are a vetted Green Tagged member of this forum.

Comments have been adjusted.
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I assumed he was directing the question to anyone who had been to SFRE
You did not identify yourself as someone who successfully attended SFRE in your pre-edited response.

However, not a battle worth fighting.
And yet you chose to fight it anyway? You can lose the passive aggressive act, that role is already filled.

At the end of the day, Shadow Spear is a site dedicated to helping SOF hopefuls reach their objective.

People asking questions in the SOF threads deserves a vetted SOF answer; if you are not SOF, you are out of your lane and that is not open for debate.
So it's been a little over 20 days now. How did it go?

Yep, got cancelled last minute. I was fully loaded, rucksack packed and in the car, about to leave I stepped into my house to send one last email off to my buddy when I had the email pop into my inbox.

It's been rescheduled to late April so I've got..... 22 more days to go now.

Maybe its a good sign though. I shot a new inquiry off to 19th group to see when their SFRE is in the meantime. The SFRE I was going to was for 20th group, but there is an old Ranger in my Guard unit who adamantly insisted I should go out for 19th instead, as they are far superior (in his eyes at least).

I don't know much about that obviously, so we'll see.

Either way, right now, game plan is SFRE on April 20-22.
The SFRE I was going to was for 20th group, but there is an old Ranger in my Guard unit who adamantly insisted I should go out for 19th instead, as they are far superior (in his eyes at least).

Both of the NG SF Groups are stellar and require members to maintain the standards of AD SF Groups. Most of the members spent a bunch of time AD before going Guard, do not expect any quarter in standards, at all. They augment AD and each other in training and in combat.