Two divers are found dead 300 feet underwater in the 'Mount Everest of cave systems' that has killed

Very cool and informative article. A small excerpt below:

What is Eagle’s Nest like where the divers were exploring?
It’s beautiful. It’s this almost perfectly circular pool in the middle of a low-lying swampy area. You go down a tubular chimney, dropping down the limestone, that’s really only the length of your body. Suddenly, at 70 feet, the floor and the walls all drop away and it’s just blackness all around you. You finally land down on top of this debris mound at about 130 feet, and you’re in this enormous room, like the size of an aircraft hangar. It’s stunningly beautiful.
I love diving. But you will never catch me in a cave system. I rather dive with sharks, which is fairly enjoyable.

Night diving seems great if you are in the right spot. Supposedly night diving with manta rays is phenomenal.

Reef systems are the most enjoyable especially with the right dive masters.