These firings also get a lot of attention on (the News section). The internet comments are the most interesting and mostly vitrolic. Many an anonymous comment-maker, identifying themselves as former or current Navy, state that a "stalinist" purge is happening. Many blamed ADM Mullen, and more than a few blame the current President. Other comments also state how the Navy is becoming "too-PC". This was especially prevelant when a Commander was relieved over in-ship "motivational" videos.
I have never served in the Navy, I have no idea how the Navy works. However, I doubt a systematic purge could be happening without someone blowing the whistle on the firings. If there is a driving force behind changing the culture, the command, or the leadership that is based on fraudelent or erroneous reasons, someone would know about it and talk about it. I don't believe this is all happening without merit. But that's my opinion from the outside.
A lot of the press releases state that the firings are over things such as DUIs, adultery, inappropriate relationships, fraternization, etc. One of the most compelling reasons to me though is "loss of confidence in their command." This is sometimes event based, i.e. running a ship aground or into a buoy or into another ship. More compelling is the survey-based sacking, i.e.
Hoey’s firing echoes that of
Capt. Marcia “Kim” Lyons, who was relieved as commander of Naval Health Clinic New England on April 6 after similar issues were identified in an annual command climate survey.
I can't assume a lot and I feel bad for the commanders who may have been unjustly firsted but I find a silver lining by the fact that someone, in at least the Navy, actually reads those command climate surveys and then acts on the information provided.