It just seems form the open source info I have read it looks like Recon is doing pretty much conventional stuff. I was shocked to read that the first combat jump Recon performed since Vietnam was in Iraq around 04 or so if I recall correctly and it sounded like a one time thing and the staff NCO's kicked all the junior guys off the mission so they could get a jump. If thats the case whats the point, thats a lot of wasted resources keeping guys qualified for missions they are never going to get the chance to do. I'm not trying to sir the pot but is Recon just a bunch of grunts that get a little nicer gear and train to do specialized missions but never really get a chance to do them.
I assumed that Recon will always be tasked or will be there to support the Marine Task Force Commander as they should but I just haven't heard much of what recon's role has been in the past two wars, have they taken it to the next level like the rest of the SF community. I know standing up MARSOC must have hit Recon really hard and it had to take some time to replace the experience lost from those units.
As Teufel noted in his response, there has been a SOF-community-wide decline in the operational use of specialized insertion capabilities. That said, insertions do not make the operator. Recon has in OIF/OEF, and continues, to execute a variety of missions that are typically reserved to SOF. But let's be clear that Marine Recon is a conventional unit, reporting to conventional commanders, although with SOF-like capabilities.
I actually appreciate the points/questions that you are bringing up, and the opportunity to dispel some myth here. Yes, Recon units have often been utilized in the wars as provisional infantry. Yes, we have been given straight-leg infantry jobs. And we excelled at them. That is one of those 'victim of one's own success' kind of things. When you take a group of talented, skilled, and trained guys, they tend to do well at whatever you give them. Add that to the fact that (until now with the recent rewrite of MCWP 2-25 Ground Reconnaissance which will be taught at all levels of officer PME) very few officers really understand the capabilities of, and how to properly employ Recon units, and you get something of a bastardized mission-set.
It should also be noted that the Recon community (and to a lesser extent, the entire USMC) is facing something of an identity crisis. Yes, the creation of MARSOC has something to do with this. Until 1st Force woke up one morning and were told that they were now MARSOC, Recon (specifically Force Recon) was always the Marine Corps' SOF equivalent. While not under SOCOM, we trained and operated with SOF units, and maintained similar skill sets. But all of a sudden, there was a new beast that officially filled that role. With the loss of that role (and the wars raging) Recon units became jacks of all trades. We were used for a broad spectrum of missions, conventional and special. I myself participated (during the course of a single deployment to Iraq - during which my battalion held it's own battlespace) in dozens of DA-style hard hits and numerous counter-sniper and counter-IED SR missions. This was between what would now be called VSO missions. So, does the Marine Corps want Recon to be SOF or not?
No, because then the Marine Cops would lose Recon to SOCOM just like they did MARSOC. They want a SOF-like force, with SOF capabilities, that fits within the conventional organization.
Recon still does plenty of specialized missions. As SOF units become even more over-tasked, the Recon community is starting to pick up the slack. We have guys involved in JSOTFs, one of my units received SOCPAC tasking and we did a FID mission. Once the big Marine Corps figures things out, we are actually sitting in a sweet spot. Recon gets the training, gear, and budget to conduct specialized missions. We can and do get tasking from the TSOCs. But we work for the Marine Corps as a conventional force. We are kind of in a grey area that allows us a certain flexibility that few other units possess.
Recon is not just grunts with nice toys. Recon
does conduct specialized missions. Recon is, and continues to, "take it to the next level," just like the rest of the SOF community. As the wars wind down, but SOF taskings increase, expect to see Recon taking on more work and a larger role.