One of the members of the critical French tech group, with which Epelboin is involved,
tweeted: "Cool Story Bro: Chinese hackers are now american"
“At the time, Republicans/Sarkozy were in charge,” he said, “and the bad guys where Chinese. The message was: the digital world is dangerous, and the iconic bad guy is a Chinese hacker working for the secret services. Now, the Democrat/Socialists are in power, and going after Google and Amazon, accused of killing the press and the content business, and not paying their taxes, so the bad guy is obviously American, now. Still, the rest of the story is the same: the digital world is dangerous.”
It is not just the timing and the politicking that make the accusations unlikely. The French state IT systems are such a mess that “basically...(they) can be penetrated by a college student.”
France, Epelboin said, is heading for a “very dark digital age” in France. “The US is clearly becoming this evil liberal, if not libertarian, figure that the current government wants to protect us from.”
Epelboin added, tongue-in-cheek, “If this goes on, you American guys should be ready to save our sorry asses in approximately five years. Normandy, D-Day, you know... Like usual

.” For the sake of the Republic, let’s hope not.