We must have been on the tarmac together on the late evening of the 24th ????? Pope ????
Yep, Him not me.
I didn't go in until D+5. I wasn't a seasoned, coolguy, intel pro like RetPara.... Just a dumbshit specialist three weeks out of jump school.
We must have been on the tarmac together on the late evening of the 24th ????? Pope ????
Yep, Him not me.
I didn't go in until D+5. I wasn't a seasoned, coolguy, intel pro like RetPara.... Just a dumbshit specialist three weeks out of jump school.
Jesus, you mean I graduated BAC before you ?....................LOL:cool:
30 Sep '83
If it makes you feel any better, I was in the Army for 2 1/2 years before I went.
30 Sep '83
If it makes you feel any better, I was in the Army for 2 1/2 years before I went.
30 Sep '83
If it makes you feel any better, I was in the Army for 2 1/2 years before I went.
EATIII, I graduated a few weeks before you did - 30 Sep - in time to go.
RIP all who were lost
Second on the R.I.P
I wish I could of gone, 250 + Jumps and still basic Wings. Alla Willing, that will change in May after 2 other schools, Man Are we Old! But still under good canopy;):eek::doh:
Full canopy is always good!
BTW I didn't jump in. Wouldn't dare to claim that. Was follow-on, as stated earlier.
What I have never understood is while 1st Batt went with available strength, 2nd Batt came in their Spec Ops config leaving the majority of their young troops at Fort Lewis.
It may seem like that but after talking with key players on both staffs I can tell you that it was a matter of lift AND available forces. C/1-75 got chopped to JSOC to support the Richmond Hill Prison mission. Without C Co in the 1st Batt force structure, they were able to bring the young PVTs/PFCs from A and B Co, essentially full companies. Plus they were allocated 7 C-130's (three MC-130s and four C-130s). Two of which were for the JCU (A Co).
2nd Batt was allocated 5 birds (two MC-130s and three C-130s). Because of the lack of lift and Hagler's insistance on bringing his whole Bn, his staff had to trim down the units. So all untabbed and quite a few tabbed PVTs/PFCs/SPCs got left at the ISB (HAAF).
Typically platoons from 2nd Batt were the most experienced 15 Rangers from that platoon, including MG/RTO/medics. Plus they pillaged their RIP cadre to augment the platoons. There were a lot of pissed off, tabbed Rangers who got left behind.
Both Batts went with the Spec Ops config for runway seizure and hostage rescue. That's why quite a few of the 1st Batt Rangers carried MP-5s (C/1-75 brought almost their entire allotment of MP-5s and carrying their M16A1s broken down in their rucks) and both Batts brought their gun jeeps.
Thanks again for that other thing we spoke about the other day.
Talk to you soon,