Training US/Israeli SD for EP, 23-27 June, Annapolis, MD, USA


Verified Military
Oct 31, 2006
Members, i will be managing and teaching the below class along with a close colleague and utmost professional, Mr. Rik Kirchner - bio's below. Please contact me at training@assolution [dot] com if you have any questions or to register.

The Objective: “Disrupting the Hostile Planning Cycle”
Prior to the vast majority of hostile acts, pre-attack field intelligence is gathered using various methods and techniques. Regardless of methods or techniques used, the adversary, or accomplice must be in the field to collect and verify this information. This program teaches attendees to identify hostile surveillance and to disrupt the hostile planning cycle thus preventing a hostile act before it happens.

The Course Philosophy
It is our philosophy that in order to identify a sophisticated adversary as early as possible, one must fully appreciate and understand how the adversary behaves, collects information and operates. Covertly identifying correlation and hostile surveillance enables the protection specialist to regain the tactical advantage and surprise, thereby, maximising the safety and protection efforts to conduct surveillance and keep their Principal’s, themselves and team members safe.

Who Should Attend
This Course is specifically designed for protection professionals working in or planning to work as EP agents or SD agents (EP related).

Course Times & Locations
 Location: KIRIK International Institute for Surveillance & Threat Detection , Annapolis, MD, USA
 23—27 June, 2014
 08:00—17:00
 Cost: $2000 per person
 (cost excludes students meals and

Program Topics
The following subjects are covered, but not limited to:
 Pedestrian Surveillance
 Covert Concepts
 Identifying surveillance vulnerabilities
 Hostile Surveillance Awareness
 Reporting and Communication
 Adapting and blending into surroundings
 Suspicious indicators and recognition
 Pre-attack indicators and field threat assessments
 Planning a surveillance and surveillance detection assignment
 Individual and Team SDR’s
 Field exercises in varied environments

Simulation & Role Playing
Multiple role players are used throughout the program to simulate genuine hostile surveillance as well as hostile scenarios, thereby, teaching attendees the skills required to make critical decisions in the field. These range from amateur to professional in order to simulate real world scenario’s.

Instructor Details
AS Solution Global Training Division Instructors
Ivor Terret, Director of the AS Solution Global Training Division, is currently based in Israel, where he was a founding member, team leader and instructor of a government Surveillance Detection and Covert Security Unit specialising in all areas of Surveillance Detection and Covert Protection, including projects involving Heads of State and Critical Infrastructure. Prior to joining the unit, Ivor designed and implemented security master plans for covert counter terror units and high-risk facilities and has consulted on a myriad of projects including business parks, high risk facilities and factories. Ivor has conducted C-TPAT audits for large supply chain factories in Israel and abroad and brings over 19 years of international counter terror experience at both the official and private sector levels. In addition to consulting and operations, Ivor has instructed hundreds of students including high-risk facility security teams, government covert VIP units, government Surveillance Detection units, specialized law enforcement and counter terror units as well as corporate EP and SD units. Ivor is an authorised counter terror instructor meeting the standards for counter terror security procedures as set forth by the Israeli Police Force.

Kirik CEO and Course Instructor
Richard (Rik) Kirchner, Jr. is a highly sought after Subject Matter Expert and speaker/lecturer on terrorist surveillance operations, as well as, scope and criticality of Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR’s) and SAR systems, Mr. Kirchner has delivered original briefings and presentations to senior decision-makers including United States Congressional Legislators and Senators, Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Transportation Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and numerous other governmental agencies. He was detailed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation-Threat Review Unit, located at the National Counterterrorism Center. Mr. Kirchner served as his former Agency’s representative on the National Joint Terrorism Task Force and Interpol with global contact and travel representing Department of Defense interests with international implications. Mr. Kirchner ascended and held the position of the Office of Threat Detection Director responsible for the Threat Detection program for the iconic United States Pentagon and over one hundred other DoD facilities within the National Capital Region. Building the entire program from the ground up, Mr. Kirchner’s Surveillance & Threat program was awarded a coveted “Best Practices” by the Joint Services Integrated Vulnerability Assessment team—a first in DoD history.

