VA fails vet

Sorry to read this. It sounds like he was fighting to the very end.

It was horrible, broke my heart. He thought he had three more months, thankfully the Doctors told him this. Sadly, he died two days later, he went calmly in his sleep, after his organs began to shut down. He held on to the end and never considered suicide or would even talk of it. I don't think he ever really thought he would die, or that he couldn't beat this thing, for at least a little longer. He just never accepted that this could kill him, to quit living and fighting. We laughed a week before on the phone and I spent 6 days in the hospital next to him several weeks prior. He made it through the holidays. It was stunning his attitude about the situation, and his humor. All positive and all good, no ugly stuff or groveling. He never feared this just kept thinking he could beat it. We had the opportunity to spend a lot of time together, went sailing and rented a 40 footer in San Diego off North Island, took him to "Gunsite" a couple of days...bucket list stuff. We went to Vegas and did bunches of other things. It was grand! He was 7 years my junior and my little brother...this not supposed to happen, but it does. Enjoy your family, give thanks never quit and stay in the fight.

I'm just thankful he didn't suffer more and he was with family at home.


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In response to some of you here, Kenny will be buried on Jan 24th with honors. It's in the afternoon, in the morning he will be escorted by convoy from Meadowlawn mortuary in San Antonio, after the service. This will be a full procession with motorcade escort. Numerous veteran organizations are coming out and a military honor guard will be provided. Thank you all for your heartfelt condolences.
So very sorry for your loss. I'll be sure to raise a glass in his honor this 24th. May he forever rest easy.