Veteran Amputee Berated For Handicap Parking Spot

God has put people on this Earth with tiny, selfish, little minds for some reason. Every now and then, one floats past that reminds us just how small minded some people can be. Fortunately the follow on actions were spot on, and the right thing was done.

I wonder where one will get another job after getting canned by a fast food store?
Wow. First a customer confronted his girlfriend. Then the store employee. What the fuck is wrong with these people. You'd think it was 1972. :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Wow. First a customer confronted his girlfriend. Then the store employee. What the fuck is wrong with these people. You'd think it was 1972. :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

I can understand the customer initially. Able-bodied girl hops out of a truck, and I can see someone jumping on that. I assume, by the lack of mention of the customer afterwards, he realized what was going on and backed off. Why the employee felt she needed to further intervene, and then to make such an incredibly asinine comment, escapes my comprehensive abilities.
If he doesn't have a tag/ sticker (understandable if it is his girlfriend's truck) and he was wearing pants (based on the photo I would assume he wore shorts), then absent some limp/ gait issues I could see someone questioning him.

The second they can see he doesn't have any legs? Any forward progress is garbage no matter how he lost his legs. Missing your legs, handicapped tag or not, you've earned a pass.

Why the employee felt she needed to further intervene, and then to make such an incredibly asinine comment, escapes my comprehensive abilities.

Because despite the stupid yellow ribbons, bullshit clapping on flights and at sporting events or theme parks, and the tidal wave of information...people don't care. Some will never care and some are just plain self-centered and stupid. Her behavior doesn't surprise me one bit. Those people should be charged with grand theft oxygen if for no other reason than their failure to be decent human beings.
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I can understand the customer initially. Able-bodied girl hops out of a truck, and I can see someone jumping on that. I assume, by the lack of mention of the customer afterwards, he realized what was going on and backed off. Why the employee felt she needed to further intervene, and then to make such an incredibly asinine comment, escapes my comprehensive abilities.

I'm not an amputee but I have a permit and have had it for years. It's for me driving any vehicle or as a passenger in any vehicle. When I truly need it, my wife usually drives and it's typically when shopping. I would get more looks and words just standing around or pushing the cart. Meanwhile my wife has to lift anything over 10-15lbs, awkward in size or placed really low. Most of the bullshit responses when we return to our vehicle, I "jump" in and she has to load it up. I get a lot of shit for not helping her. I usually respond by saying it's ok, she's a feminist. :thumbsup:;-) Shuts them up quicker than me pointing to my permit or telling them to shut their holes when they don't understand. People honestly only equate those spots to the elderly, extremely obese or completely physically disabled and typically the ones that speak out are little old church ladies. Which is bullshit. Not your place in society to police handicap parking.