Vietnam history


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
My father retired from the Marines in 1975, serving about 21 years. Although a grunt in the early days, he spent the bulk of his time in intelligence, going hither and yon, with three tours in Vietnam. I have a collection of 'stuff,' various paperwork and pictures, from his time in the Marines. I had no idea what to do with all of this 'stuff,' but was introduced to the Vietnam Center and Archive at Texas Tech:

The Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas Tech University

I am gathering all of his 'stuff' and donating it to TT, where, after catalogued and preserved, it will be entered into its collection for review and research.

I bring this up to say, if you or a loved one served in Vietnam and is also burdened with 'stuff', this is a good way to honor their memory while creating a lasting legacy that can be shared after we are long gone.