Vietnam Movies

The best Vietnam movie is Operation Dumbo Drop for sure.

Ha. That movie was entertaining, and somewhat based on a true story.

I also liked Heaven and Earth with Tommy Lee Jones, and my wife liked Purple Hearts (because of the love story angle). It did show corpsmen in a good light. ;)
So my insomnia is in full swing, just finished Heaven & Earth. Seen it many times, and I'm always taken back by the nuggets of life and lessons learned in that movie. I would recommend it to any soldier deploying, especially those who come into contact with the locals. If you view it as a personal development, and as an educational life story, it will serve you well...

So my insomnia is in full swing, just finished Heaven & Earth. Seen it many times, and I'm always taken back by the nuggets of life and lessons learned in that movie. I would recommend it to any soldier deploying, especially those who come into contact with the locals. If you view it as a personal development, and as an educational life story, it will serve you well...

I only saw it once, on video several years ago, but really liked it. As I recall I thought it one of Tommy Lee Jones' stronger performances.