I'm aware of the Navy's LDO program. How many of those LDO helicopter pilots and other LDOs got appointed to command a tactical capability of the line (Submarine, Aircraft Carrier, destroyer, and missile frigate)? It's the command influence to make the key changes and decisions concerning tactics, concepts of operations, force selection of which unit does what in what deployment and employment priority order. A squadron commander with no influence is nothing but a position filler that can be the convenient scapegoat to fire or blame when things going wrong in a unit and the wrong gets under too much scrutiny.
If you actually read between the lines of the LDO program proposals and positions being filled by LDOs, it was actually to get officers in the undermanned less desirable “officer” positions. Those desiring to join the Navy to be Navy aviators wanted to be “Top Gun” carrier fighter pilots and not helicopter pilots. Plenty of LDO Navy helicopter pilots at one time due to the helicopter pilot shortage.
I’ve not ever seen or heard of a LDO fighter pilot or any other such LDO in a bridge officer duty position of a Navy combat fire power ship of the line (carrier, destroyer, missile frigate, submarine).