What does your workout program look like?

Christian N

Jun 29, 2015
I'm working on weights and HIIT. After taking a 2 week break of bad eating I'm back on track with a new four day split routine. Did upper body today with Rows,bench,curls,overhead dumbbell press and butterfly's and am going to do abs later.
Sorry for the repost. Moderators feel free to delete or lock at anytime. I should have took more initiative and read through the old pages.
Sorry for the repost. Moderators feel free to delete or lock at anytime. I should have took more initiative and read through the old pages.

This is becoming a trend with you. We discussed this exact issue (not searching before asking questions) in your TACP questions thread. Get it together.
I'm 41. Everyone from about 3 to 300 is "Sir" or "Ma'am" to me at some point. Hold the door, "please", "thank you"....Good manners are free. :-)
Word. Thank my parents for that, and I never could bring myself to call female officers sir. Not sure about today...but, back then none of them seemed to mind being called ma'am. Probably different now.

As an old dude just tryin to fight off death:
1. Quick 1.5 mi. at 4:30am.
2. Bulletproof coffee.
3. 9hrs exercise mouse finger, wrist, elbow.
4. 30min+ Rowing machine / Heavy Bag. (alternate weekdays).
5. 2x/wk + Range time.
6. slow 1.5 (walk) after "paleo" supper.
6. Weekends: Hike, MtnBike, Dirtbike. Shoot.
Excellent hiking choices in the city limits!
Sounds easy/fun but dropped 40# since 01Jan.
I'm injured from judo, so I'm off the mat until I heal,so I'm only doing kettlebells now. Grab a kettle bell and do 300+ swings a day, trust me you'll be better off in every area. I only have a 28kg/62lb kb, a bit heavy, so I do minimum 200 swings 5 days a week, and add in 100 clean and press once a week, and pistols regularly. I'm putting on mass, and looking pretty ripped, and fitness is up. Mental fortitude, too.
Film industry of the Brit Pinewood variety holds that the correct etiquette is sir & ma'am. Mainly because I can never remember any cunts name, but they appreciate the manners. As for fitness, if you have access to a pool, try the BUD/s thing, even if you don't want to be a "no sea to rough, no muff too tough" kinda guy, it's comprehensive, with swimming being one aspect, but all the other things in it that make you hurt & buffed, IMO it's pretty good.
I'm amazed that are not really doing a hard workout (see above) but it seems to be all about consistency. A little bit in the morning and a little bit in the evening seems to keep the metabolism bumped up 24 hours/day...and boom 40 pounds of the bad s*** drops off. 1.5mi. x twice/day is easy enough even for an old guy. Hell I'm still eating ice cream (love that stuff...when the muff's too tuff!) and an occasional full sugar soda (my two cheats)...and the lbs still continue to drop.
Word. Thank my parents for that, and I never could bring myself to call female officers sir. Not sure about today...but, back then none of them seemed to mind being called ma'am. Probably different now.

"As an old dude just tryin to fight off death"
That laugh just made my day so much better. Thank you.
Have started walking the woods trails. That are on my girlfriend’s 5 acre property. As well as the 2000 acres across the road down to the river.
I only lasted about 20 minutes. I figured this would be the most practical way to get my exercise. As well as work on my land nav skills. Until the place I train at re-opens.
The above represents the weight. No scale around now so here is my load out sans weapon.
CATI plate carrier, 3.5# UHMWPE plates x 2
3 G-Code mag carriers, 3 Magpul 30’s, ballistic groin panel, CAT TQ, Juggernaut Tactical phone carrier.
Belt: Ontario fighting knife, 4 x 10 rd .45 mags for my Sig, dump pouch, bino’s, IFAK, Sig P220.

Working up to one hour with this. Then add weapon to weight.
Just trying to push my old ass a little.
I've completely transitioned from weight training, since the gyms are closed, to circuit training workouts. I do what I can with a 70 pound sand bag, a couple of 53 and 70 lb kettle bells, some rings, and a pull up bar. I recently purchased a bulgarian bag which I really enjoy working out with. I mean it sucks but I really think it complements the other exercises I am doing. Very effective grip training tool in my opinion.
I transitioned to doing Street Parking workouts a few months ago. Crossfit style, but they add in modifications for limited gear, and weekly olympic, power, and accessory workouts. Not bad, but I added in some more specific strength training since I lean out too much by only doing CF type circuits. I will say, Im extremely glad I built my home gym last year. Getting a lot more use out of it now since so much time is spent at home at not at the base gym during my longer shifts.