What Guidelines to live by?

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Jan 16, 2012
Hi I have been a member here for only 19 days and I am learning a lot already and receiving much advice both direct and indirect. I am going to say some of the things that I learned, post some of my basic guidelines to live your life by.

1.If you're a kid ENJOY YOUR CHILDHOOD WHILE YOU CAN. What I mean is don't be a super uptight guy who has no personality because you are trying to act all military and put on some tough guy act because when you grow up and join the military you are gonna regret not going out to have more fun and do other things with your life. Do know that there is a limit as to how childish you can be; especially amongst adults who happen to be soldiers. They don't tolerate B.S. all that well.

2.WATCH AND LEARN: Observe and Note take if you need to. I'm sure that phrase is self explanatory. I mean before you do anything take a minute to see how the pros do it then do it and see how the amateurs do it and avoid it. Enough said.

3. THINK BEFORE YOU DO: Just ask yourself; Do I really need to post this or do this? A good example would be the day I first arrived and I made a post about batman. Result? A good old fashioned chewing of my ass. Many examples of mindless posts here on the site. Use some of mine for example.

4. LEARN FROM CRITICISM: Sorry that your hero told you some things about you that you didn't like but don't cry your ass in a corner about it. If you can't handle that then I'm guessing boot camp is hit you like a freight train. Just saying :-".

5. STOP DREAMING AND TAKE ACTION: You dream about one day joining the Marine Corps or the Army or the Navy or the Air Force and yet you sit your ass down all day and do nothing but play CoD and put on 10 pounds of fat each week. The hell is wrong with you? Get up and DO something. I promise you that daydreaming about all the running and swimming your gonna have to do isn't gonna make you fit!

I think that covers everything that I have learned. Like I said, I'm just a civilian kid. I think my advice would be best for others like myself. Who knows? Maybe some soldiers out there too. As I said, please add any advice that you can below. I would prefer actual warriors but anyone can go for it. I still have much to learn.
(shakes head)

Admiting you don't know anything is great, but why do you feel the need to come on here and offer advice to others? Is this some kind of generational thing? Do you have some crazy need to feel that you should be giving ANYONE advice?

They should figure it out just like you. If they can't, life will be short & painful.
I am going to say this as simply as I can so there is no misinterpretation.

You are 15. You should be reading, not posting advice that you have yet to use successfully yourself.

I dont know about some of you youngsters. When I was 15 I was playing sports, studying, helping around my parents house, and chasing girls.
3. THINK BEFORE YOU DO: Just ask yourself; Do I really need to post this or do this? A good example would be the day I first arrived and I made a post about batman. Result? A good old fashioned chewing of my ass. Many examples of mindless posts here on the site. Use some of mine for example.

Another good example would be when you started a thread trying to pass out advice to the membership of this board. Just ask yourself, did you really need to post this? You are right about one thing, there are many examples of mindless posts on this site. Thanks to you, we now have our most recent.
Hi I have been a member here for only 19 days and I am ....

Let me stop you right there. What you are doing is pissing a lot of people off by opening your mouth about things you have no reason to talk about.

Snowman, the longer you're a member here the more I doubt you are who you say you are and the more I believe what others have speculated: that you are a troll.

More than one person has noticed the similarities in your posts and those of someone we banned a while back- Isaiah Kugmeh or something like that. Some speculate that you two are the same person. I'm beginning to believe them.

Even if you are a 15-year-old boy with an interest in becoming SOF, you are not fitting in here to the point where you have become a distraction. Because I suspect you are a troll, and because you don't seem to "get it" about what is expected here, I'm putting you on probation for the rest of the month. What that means is the following:

-if you make any more posts on this site between now and the 1st of March, including responding to this thread, I'm going to ban you permanently.

-if you send any private messages to any member of the staff between now and the 1st of March, including to say "I'm sorry" or "Why is mara being mean to me," I'm going to ban you permanently.

-if any member of this site complains to the staff about you between now and the 1st of March, I'm going to ban you permanently.

You are on notice. Get it together or you're out of here. I'm tired of the distraction.
I am going to say this as simply as I can so there is no misinterpretation.

You are 15. You should be reading, not posting advice that you have yet to use successfully yourself.

I dont know about some of you youngsters. When I was 15 I was playing sports, studying, helping around my parents house, and chasing girls.

That's what my 15 YO does...
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