"Yesterday Was Veterans Day. Today, Call Your Battle Buddy."


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Full disclosure: I wrote this:

Yesterday Was Veterans Day. Today, Call Your Battle Buddy. • The Havok Journal

...and I meant every word. Especially this part:

So, today, the day after Veterans Day, call your battle buddies. Call a guy you served with a long time ago and haven’t talked to in ages. Call a sister in arms who recently got married or had a baby. Call someone who’s struggling. Call someone who’s doing well. Call a person you think about from time to time. Call someone you haven’t thought about at all since the last time you crossed paths. Even if you think they might not remember you or might not remember you as fondly as you remember them.

And especially if it’s someone that you may have had an issue with, either now or in the past, or someone who voted differently than you in the last election—perhaps ESPECIALLY if it’s someone who voted differently in the last election—swallow your pride, let go of the past, and make the call. Veterans are one of the last true melting pots in American society and America regularly looks for us for inspiration, and for leadership. And an important step in providing what America needs right now is for us to be united as a veteran community. Yeah, it could be awkward. You’ll probably get some calls sent to voice mail and not have them returned. But you could make a difference for a vet who needs it, by letting them know that they, and their service, are not forgotten.

And isn’t that worth the time?