Not Work Safe "You trying to jump a blind kid, bro?" (language)


Sep 12, 2012
Surprised this has not been posted yet - should give this kid a fucking medal - more likely the pussy school district will expel him for fighting and the bully's parents will sue the kid's parents.

It's absolutely pathetic he was suspended. If anyone should be suspended, it should be the idiot school administrators who: 1. clearly lack any common sense in the way they addressed this issue 2. allowed an environment to exist where the assault took place without any teacher/staff intervention. The assault clearly took place long enough for someone to take out their phone and video it. Yet, throughout the event no school staff step in.

If I had a kid there, I'd hope he'd be the one to step in and stop the assault as well. Good on that kid; we need more like him (as opposed to those who just want to pull out their phone and video the whole thing). Maybe the President will invite him to the WH too? Nah...
Bring a strange clock apparatus to school; get a ticket to the white house, and Microsoft makes it rain on you.

Intervene with bullying: get kicked off the football team, and suspended.

I don't even know where to begin. Homeschooling is probably a start.
Bring a strange clock apparatus to school; get a ticket to the white house, and Microsoft makes it rain on you.

Intervene with bullying: get kicked off the football team, and suspended.

I don't even know where to begin. Homeschooling is probably a start.
The future generations are going to be so screwed up because of this logic.
Bring a strange clock apparatus to school; get a ticket to the white house, and Microsoft makes it rain on you.

If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

I'm glad some people have realised that it was a bullshit publicity stunt, and that article covers it pretty well. The majority of people still think he's some kind of hero though, because, well, mainstream media.
I'd rather have that kid go to the White House than some dush who took a clock apart and claim he invented it.

Hope that kid shows up HERE someday with a "verified SOF" tag.
It is sad. We have anti-bullying campaigns and tell people if they see something to say something, but when someone stands up for the bully THEY are the ones who pay a price. I know what going to a school official would mean.

Nothing. Not a damn thing would change.

Our society can't have it both ways. We can't tell kids to stop bullying kids and then do nothing about it. When someone steps up, and this was hardly some type of major league beating, they are punished.

For all of our talk about not being a bully we're empowering these little shits who will grow up and have no concept of "consequences and repercussions."

Tragic, and I won't even begin a diatribe on teachers and how many of them need a good chokeslam.
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I am going to be the devil's advocate for 2 sec. Why was this child beating a blind kid? Was it provoked? I remember growing up with 3 brothers, and while there was bullying, there was also injustice in the discipline received. One brother would provoke the other (usually me) to anger and that brother (me) would take the matter into his hands the way he knew how. Obviously that means picking up the nearest object and using it to correct the provoking brother's behavior. That would earn me x amounts of ass beatings for being violent towards the one that deserved it.
I say this because I don't know the whole story, and if you do, please share. If it is a case of straight bullying, then the kid got what he deserved, and the protector was wrongly judged. I also know how kids work in high school, and it is rarely a single sided situation. That being said, high school administrators have proved to be unwise many times before.
I am going to be the devil's advocate for 2 sec. Why was this child beating a blind kid? Was it provoked? I remember growing up with 3 brothers, and while there was bullying, there was also injustice in the discipline received. One brother would provoke the other (usually me) to anger and that brother (me) would take the matter into his hands the way he knew how. Obviously that means picking up the nearest object and using it to correct the provoking brother's behavior. That would earn me x amounts of ass beatings for being violent towards the one that deserved it.
I say this because I don't know the whole story, and if you do, please share. If it is a case of straight bullying, then the kid got what he deserved, and the protector was wrongly judged. I also know how kids work in high school, and it is rarely a single sided situation. That being said, high school administrators have proved to be unwise many times before.
The kid was fucking blind!

I don't know the whole story but there is no provocation that warrants the beating he was receiving; for all practical purposes every punch he took was a sucker punch!
Jesus. School administrators are some of the biggest thefts of oxygen we currently have. We need a new plague to weed out the weak.
I am going to be the devil's advocate for 2 sec. Why was this child beating a blind kid?

Doesn't matter. Even if the blind kid had a weapon, the absence of sight severely limits his opportunity, capability, and proximity to be a threat to the other kid, who just needed to take one step to either side to mitigate any perceived threat. Instead, he learned a valuable lesson: even sighted people have a blind spot!

The kid was a wolf, preying on a lamb, but got bit by the Sheepdog.
The kid was this:

Not this:

Unless they're running around with a knife or gun you don't punch a blind guy.