User Groups
After completing the
vetting process, members may be eligible for certain user groups, receiving a verification tag beneath their username. Since this is a special operations website, our tags mostly concern SOF, the military in general, and law enforcement. Unlike on other sites, the possession of a specific tag does not convey special privilege to the individuals, nor does it make that user’s actions above reproach. Nonetheless, those individuals with “Verified” status tags usually have a tremendous amount of training and experience in a surprisingly broad array of topics, and many times will be speaking from a position of subject matter expertise. Those without a comparable level of expertise in those areas would be wise to keep that in mind in their interactions with verified individuals on the site. As previously stated, the staff reserves the right to refuse, downgrade, or revoke user tags. The explanation of our tags is as follows:
Administrators: These guys are the final authorities on the site. Aside from implementing upgrades and changes to the site, they create site policy and have the final say in vetting and banning members.
Moderators: The moderators are responsible for maintaining the board and being a neutral party in member disputes. This position is strictly volunteer and the moderators are elected to a one year term by their peers. These are the people you should go to for disputes, merge requests, deletions, and edits before raising issues with an administrator. Clicking the "report post" button is the ideal method of gaining staff attention.
Verified SOF: Members who have served in an operational SOF capacity. Pretty much anyone assignment to Ranger Regiment, JSOC, or 160th (generally speaking, all such individuals are screened, assessed, selected, and put through a training program prior to assignment. SEAL-qualified individuals assigned to SEAL units, SF-qualified individuals assigned to SF Groups, PJs assigned to a PJ position, certain PSYOP and Civil Affairs personnel, etc. MARSOC includes Raiders and though not under MARSOC, we recognize Force Recon Marines.
Verified SOF Support: Members who have served in a SOF support capacity. This includes enablers assigned to SOF units (because there is no selection/assessment program), infantrymen assigned to support a Joint SOF Task Force in Iraq, etc.
Verified Military: Members who have served in their country's armed forces/military.
Verified Sniper: Members who have served as a sniper (school trained).
Verified SWAT: Members who have completed a special weapons and tactics course and served as a SWAT officer or equivalent.
Rest in Peace: ShadowSpear's fallen.
Business: Distributors, merchants, trainers, etc.
Member: If you are unverified and would like to become a community member,
apply for the Member usergroup. This will give you additional site privileges. Please note that you must have at least 180 days on the board and at least 100 posts for the form to become visible for you to apply.
Unverified: New members receive this tag by default. In order to change this, you can either request vetting or after you meet the above requirements, request your account be upgraded to "Member" status as indicated