Thank you for doing this. There are many people from the site who are deployed right now, care packages is a great way to give back.
Many of you who are deployed might have an attitude like I had- "I don't need a care package, send it to someone else." I would encourage you to add your name to the list of possible recipients for the following reasons:
1) many people don't know anyone who is currently deployed. Members of this site may be the only way people with a genuine desire to give back to the military community can do so.
2) this type of thing is a genuine effort to "support the troops" that is much more tangible than slapping a bumper sticker on one's car.
3) take the package. Even if you don't want it, chances are someone in your unit could use it. The way we did it was whenever someone got a package, they would open it up to make sure there was nothing "personal" in it (yeah, that happens sometimes :-/) and then put it out in the common area, where a feeding frenzy would ensue. If your unit doesn't want it, give it to your Chaplain. Forward the contents on to the folks who interact with local nationals or TCNs.
4) even if you don't need, don't want, and think you can't use a box of goodies, getting mail of any time is a huge morale booster. It's good to know that the American people haven't forgotten about us.
Bottom line, either you or someone in physical proximity could use this stuff. So take it, already. If you have concerns about PERSEC, PM me or one of the other mods and we'll get the address to people who want to send packages without associating your username here on the site to the address on the package. And no matter how "ninja-ranger-CIA" your job is, your OCONUS mailing address is UNCLASS.