
In the same spirit of the Shadowspear Travelling Periodicals Program and the PT Program I have decided to give back to the ShadowSpear community by sending care packages to those from the community who are deployed.

If you are not able to give me your postal address due to PERSEC/OPESEC I would need a postal address so that *you* will get the package.

I will check this based upon the alerts I receive.

I should have added to the original post that it is open to anyone to send packages to anyone much the same as the other programs operate.
Marauder you are the man! My friend said that she got the care package from your mom and it was the best ever. It really made her day. She hasn't gotten very many care packages from her friends and family so thank you. Apparently your mom really knows what a woman on deployment. I tend to send stuff like tactical bacon http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c399/ , tactical christmas stockings http://www.lapolicegear.com/lapg-molle-christmas-stocking.html and I almost sent her this ugly sweater of gingerbread men being waterboarded in milk http://www.lapolicegear.com/lapg-gingerbread-men-sweater.html
Marauder you are the man! My friend said that she got the care package from your mom and it was the best ever. It really made her day. She hasn't gotten very many care packages from her friends and family so thank you. Apparently your mom really knows what a woman on deployment. I tend to send stuff like tactical bacon http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c399/ , tactical christmas stockings http://www.lapolicegear.com/lapg-molle-christmas-stocking.html and I almost sent her this ugly sweater of gingerbread men being waterboarded in milk http://www.lapolicegear.com/lapg-gingerbread-men-sweater.html

I send pink plastic army men, rubber bugs, and stuff like that....
Bumped and Stuck. During the holiday season many of our brothers and sisters in arms are serving in hot zones and I'm sure need care packages of goodies.
Marauder you are the man! My friend said that she got the care package from your mom and it was the best ever. It really made her day. She hasn't gotten very many care packages from her friends and family so thank you. Apparently your mom really knows what a woman on deployment. I tend to send stuff like tactical bacon http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c399/ , tactical christmas stockings http://www.lapolicegear.com/lapg-molle-christmas-stocking.html and I almost sent her this ugly sweater of gingerbread men being waterboarded in milk http://www.lapolicegear.com/lapg-gingerbread-men-sweater.html

Your friend took the time to send my mom a very nice, handwritten thank-you note, made my mom's day.
I don't personally need a care package but I know some guys who might not be receiving much from their family so they might appreciate some.
Thank you all for the support. I'm behind on at least 2 however I will get them out ASAP.
I'm behind on at least 2 however crap is tight for me. You know who you are and I will send stuff out for you.

Anyone else please read the first page.
My aunt just volunteered to send a package of toiletry gurly girl stuff to someone deployed. Anyone have a friend in need?