16e5 Early Notification

Just got the list and the E4 Mafia is still collecting my dues for the next year. As a first time tester, my Shirt said I scored exceptionally well with a 60 having only read the PDG and not use any of the test prep materials. I trust his word as I truly do not know otherwise quite yet. Next year I'll make it. Not one for self pity or pouting so I'm getting back to the book tonight.

Nothing against them because they took advantage of the system, but I know a bunch of Comm airmen who pinned on Staff and Tech (or credit their promotions) because of various reorgs in those AFSC's. No whatever AFSC-specific tests for that promotion cycle? Score.

Now that you know what o expect next year should go a bit smoother. As an outsider, I don't know if a promotion would hinder any opportunities to crosstrain if that's your ultimate goal.
Just got the list and the E4 Mafia is still collecting my dues for the next year. As a first time tester, my Shirt said I scored exceptionally well with a 60 having only read the PDG and not use any of the test prep materials. I trust his word as I truly do not know otherwise quite yet. Next year I'll make it. Not one for self pity or pouting so I'm getting back to the book tonight.

E4s used to be Sergeants BITD. Not sure when they became Senior Airmen but it was after I left the ANG. Hey, young brother, good work on the test and carry on, you'll get that forth stripe next time. And good luck with your TACP aspirations.
Nothing against them because they took advantage of the system, but I know a bunch of Comm airmen who pinned on Staff and Tech (or credit their promotions) because of various reorgs in those AFSC's. No whatever AFSC-specific tests for that promotion cycle? Score.

Now that you know what o expect next year should go a bit smoother. As an outsider, I don't know if a promotion would hinder any opportunities to crosstrain if that's your ultimate goal.

Due to all of the reorg between the 3D and 3A split, we were left with no real CFETP and thus a complete SKT exemption for two whole cycles. As for retraining, I'm still considered first term so I wouldn't think it would be any different retraining as a SrA or (S)Sgt, but then again, the retraining advisory has a specific column for Staffs.

E4s used to be Sergeants BITD. Not sure when they became Senior Airmen but it was after I left the ANG. Hey, young brother, good work on the test and carry on, you'll get that forth stripe next time. And good luck with your TACP aspirations.

I appreciate the kind words, Sir. I have my application in with TACP as choice #1 and Special Missions Aviation as choice #2. Either way, I'm training my ass off to make it happen regardless of which job I get picked up for. If I do get SMA over TACP, I'm listing CV22 as my #1 pick on the airframe dreamsheet the pipelines provides.

CV22 - #1
NSAv - #2
HH60 - #3
Due to all of the reorg between the 3D and 3A split, we were left with no real CFETP and thus a complete SKT exemption for two whole cycles. As for retraining, I'm still considered first term so I wouldn't think it would be any different retraining as a SrA or (S)Sgt, but then again, the retraining advisory has a specific column for Staffs.

I appreciate the kind words, Sir. I have my application in with TACP as choice #1 and Special Missions Aviation as choice #2. Either way, I'm training my ass off to make it happen regardless of which job I get picked up for. If I do get SMA over TACP, I'm listing CV22 as my #1 pick on the airframe dreamsheet the pipelines provides.

CV22 - #1
NSAv - #2
HH60 - #3

Oh, shit, you're in Comm? I would crosstrain, smoke dope, defect to ISIS...something to get out of that careerfield. I've dealt with a bunch of Comm types in the sandbox over the years and my opinion of the field as a whole is exceptionally poor. Bereft of leadership, infected with self-serving NCO's, tech school training that declines year after year...run while you still have a soul. At least 3A should be easy to leave. Good luck on getting your dream slot. Keep us posted.
Oh, shit, you're in Comm? I would crosstrain, smoke dope, defect to ISIS...something to get out of that careerfield. I've dealt with a bunch of Comm types in the sandbox over the years and my opinion of the field as a whole is exceptionally poor. Bereft of leadership, infected with self-serving NCO's, tech school training that declines year after year...run while you still have a soul. At least 3A should be easy to leave. Good luck on getting your dream slot. Keep us posted.

LMFAO! Yeah I get that exact response quite a lot. I came in as a 3D trained in comm (small computers) and about a month after my 5 level was finished, I received an email that read to the effect of:

"If you're a 3D that is assigned to a comm unit, you're still comm. If you're a 3D that's assigned anywhere else within the AF, congrats you're a 3A!"

You could imagine how excited I was to find that after doing the comm upgrade, I was being converted into a personnel troop being assigned to the Aircrew Fundies schoolhouse. I just talked to an inbound 3A fresh from Keesler AFB and he said their tech school was literally just Microsoft Office for 4 weeks. Nothing involving Evals, Decs, Pubs, etc. Good news is that 3A is overmanned now so training out shouldn't prove too difficult. *Fingers crossed*

I'll keep everyone informed on the retrain as updates come in. AFPC has my request so ball is in their court.
LMFAO! Yeah I get that exact response quite a lot. I came in as a 3D trained in comm (small computers) and about a month after my 5 level was finished, I received an email that read to the effect of:

"If you're a 3D that is assigned to a comm unit, you're still comm. If you're a 3D that's assigned anywhere else within the AF, congrats you're a 3A!"

You could imagine how excited I was to find that after doing the comm upgrade, I was being converted into a personnel troop being assigned to the Aircrew Fundies schoolhouse. I just talked to an inbound 3A fresh from Keesler AFB and he said their tech school was literally just Microsoft Office for 4 weeks. Nothing involving Evals, Decs, Pubs, etc. Good news is that 3A is overmanned now so training out shouldn't prove too difficult. *Fingers crossed*

I'll keep everyone informed on the retrain as updates come in. AFPC has my request so ball is in their court.
Cross-training as a SrA with a line# isn't bad.
Coming into a new career field as a SrA gives you better learning opportunities.
AFPC just approved my retrain request and said I was eligible for Special Missions Aviation. Now I just need to slow my heart rate down a little bit, settle myself back into my office and get this flight physical business sorted. Will keep everyone posted on what happens with that and when my class date is.
AFPC just approved my retrain request and said I was eligible for Special Missions Aviation. Now I just need to slow my heart rate down a little bit, settle myself back into my office and get this flight physical business sorted. Will keep everyone posted on what happens with that and when my class date is.

That is just outstanding. Congratulations!
That is just outstanding. Congratulations!

Med Flight appointment is in the next couple weeks, I'll have a firm date here middle of next week. After I get cleared, I have to apply for the class date. Updates when they arrive. Time to buckle down and get it done.