1st Commando Regiment - Poland

A few more from the recent show. You'll notice the Combat Teams patch, depicts a symbol used by one of our AK units during WW2 - the Umbrella Batalion (Batalion Parasol).











A little history. A vid showing TF50s second deployment, made up of Combat Team A personel:

This came after a very successful tour by Team C, which mannaged to catch the first enemy fighter listed in the in-famous JPEL.
Combat Team A had a very long and very intense deplyment. They were also the Team that was later awarded by Gen. Petreaus.
Recently the Regiment did quite the extensive training with 5th Chemical Warfare Regiment. This proved to be profitable for both units.
The Regiment was given the opportunity to catch up on the latest in ABC wafrafe, the 'Chemists' on the other hand, got a chance to work with SOF elements.
Recent studies show that chemical and bio-chemical weaponry, may be the weapon of choice for future terror attacts. Therefore such training is essencial to the modern Warfighter.

(starts at 12:47)
I don't think they wouldn't throw it If there wouldn't be camera around. C'mmon, it was standard training not a show for president. Not saying that it was smth they shouldn't do, they are profesionals after all, so they know better.
I don't want to turn it into Warsaw vs Lubliniec bollocks....as I said, they know better and my comment was rather a joke, I'm far from commenting things I have no idea about*(eg throwing flashbangs).

-ok, not always:)
Tell that to our Mars armchair operator.

When we don't have a logical arguments....

In spite of several numbers of show for VIP's in GROM I never saw a half-hearted demonstration. And one more thing. It was not a show. In theory it was a combat exercise.

Mack They know better than for example police swat unit? ;) Why police don't throw flashbangs in to drug laboratory? Train as you were fighting, fight as you were trained. Throwing flasbang (9-bang!) in to the chemical laboratory is unlogical. And you don't need to be a special forces soldier, to know that. If someone tell about yourself "quiet and professional" this doesn't mean it always is it. And it doesn't mean that they are untouchable to criticism Even they are in title "commando".
When we don't have a logical arguments....

Pleace do tell. This is an open board, you claim as to have particular knowledge in the area of dealing with volatile substances in an assault/take down scenario. You really should head down to Lubliniec and enlighten those that lack your supperior knowledge.

In spite of several numbers of show for VIP's in GROM I never saw a half-hearted demonstration. And one more thing. It was not a show. In theory it was a combat exercise.

Have you seen all the shows? Each and every one? I for one vey much doubt that. Cams are put there to make a show.

Mack They know better than for example police swat unit? ;) Why police don't throw flashbangs in to drug laboratory?

Have you seen all LE lab take downs? Have you actually been to that particular training scenario?

Throwing flasbang (9-bang!) in to the chemical laboratory is unlogical. And you don't need to be a Special Forces soldier, to know that.

And yet you persist in a campaign of undermining a units reputation, that has been solidified by those with whom they work along side with. And if you've done your homework, you should know who, where and all that jazz.

If someone tell about yourself "quiet and professional" this doesn't mean it always is it.

And it doesn't mean that they are untouchable to criticism Even they are in title "commando".

By all means no....question......does the same ethic apply to all others? You know what I'm talking about.
Mack They know better than for example police swat unit? ;)

They know better then me:-) At least I hope they do know better....and seriously, we would have to ask this particular dude from JWK who decided to throw flashbang, why he did it, and If he thought that it was safe for him, his teammates, and all the people inside of this lab. Maybe he would come up with some logical reasons why he did it? Maybe not. I don't know.

Anyway, I think that although Ravage is well known from being JWK fan, and you're more into G-unit (it's not a bad thing, I am G-unit fan since 1994), we should not turn this thread into "which unit is better etc" stuff.

Maybe this one dude fuzk up smth, maybe his section commander allowed him or even ordered him to throw this damn flashbang, we don't know that. But I know that we should be careful with judging entire units by one event(eg one of the DevGru operators killed Linda Norgrove during rescue mission, but it doesn't mean entire DevGru is a joke, right?).

I have spoken.

Now you can jump to your throats kid's ;-)
You nailed it M - you see a vid, or part of it to be more accurate. And yet one jumps to conclusion.
I could say the same thing about a particular photo that was presented here as an example of how not to set up your equipment. Some thing a laymen should know about - 'cause it's the first thing you learn in a geography class room ..... when you're a kid.
Theoretically it was a show'N tell but.......

Train as you were fighting, fight as you were trained.

Great news every one.

Today the Regiment had a change of command. Col.Pietras relinquished command into the hands of Col. Kukuła.

Col. Kukuła previously served in the Regiment for over 11 years, climbing the lader of combat team commander up to the units chief of staff.
Afterwords he was placed in PolSOF Command, where he war responsible for most of the Commands recent changes - ranging from planing and commanding combined special operations, as well as changes in the over all command structure.

Congrats to the new Boss. Glad to know the Regiment is in the right hands.
