2016 Rio Olympics thread -

Well there was no surprise when Canada's women's soccer team choked today. Only team to go into medal contention with no losses and from a low ranking. Oh well I guess they like bronze.

What a day for the Maple Leaf People. Canada beat the heavily favored Japan in the Little League World Series today, 10-4. Granted, these are little 12-year-old dudes...but a win is a win. :D
What a day for the Maple Leaf People. Canada beat the heavily favored Japan in the Little League World Series today, 10-4. Granted, these are little 12-year-old dudes...but a win is a win. :D

We take our Little League seriously! ;-):thumbsup: If they don't win, they get shoved off on the ice flow with our elderly. :-"}:-)
We take our Little League seriously! ;-):thumbsup: If they don't win, they get shoved off on the ice flow with our elderly. :-"}:-)

Canada switched out its anchor position in the 4x100 for Andre DeGrasse and it was a smart move. This was his debut Olympics and the team broke a 20 year Canadian record held the Donovan Bailey team from 1996. Finishing 4th and then getting the Bronze through the US disqualification. If he had a few more feet of track, he could have surpassed the Japanese and American teams; giving Jamaica ando Bolt a run for Gold.

This was Bolts final Olympics and I have a feeling DeGrasse and Canada will be taking over his podium spot in the years to come. It was awesome watching history in the making.

Cam Cole: Canadian men’s relay team on the right side of the law and of history with bronze-medal run
I approve of this... Lochte deserves to be thrown under the bus.


Conger's statement:
It’s good to be back home in the U.S. Participating in the Olympics was a wonderful experience, and I want to express my appreciation to Brazil and to Rio de Janeiro for being wonderful hosts. I also want to express my gratitude for the support I’ve received from my family and friends, USA Swimming, the US Olympic Committee, and the University of Texas.

Unfortunately, one event has become the focus of attention, and I want to briefly address that event today. First and foremost, I deeply regret the trouble and embarrassment this event has brought to the people of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, and the distraction it has caused from the achievements of my fellow Olympians. Brazil and Rio have staged a great Games, and it was a privilege to be there and to represent the United States of America. I also want to express my regret for its impact on USASwimming and the USOC.

Let me begin by emphasizing that I have been completely truthful in my statements throughout this unfortunate situation, including the information I provided to US officials before leaving Brazil. In fact, the Brazilian authorities made clear to me from the very beginning that I was being considered only a witness, not a suspect.

Perhaps it will be helpful to provide a summary of what I believe happened that night:

Early Sunday morning I was with USA swimming teammates celebrating at the French House. Four of us took a taxi back to the Olympic Village, and on the way we pulled into a gas station to use the restroom, but ultimately relieved ourselves outside, for which I apologize. Ryan Lochte removed a poster from a nearby wall, which apparently alerted the gas station employees, leading to our being confronted by two armed security men. Although I cooperated with their requests while there was a heated exchange among others, at one point a weapon was pointed at me. Eventually, a man appeared who was able to translate for us, helping to defuse the situation. We paid some money to compensate them for the torn poster, and returned to the Village in a different taxi.

This has been an unsettling, humbling and frightening experience. It’s a reminder that all of us, when we travel and especially when we represent the US in the Olympics, are ambassadors for our country and should be on our best behavior.

Again, I want to express my appreciation to Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, and my apologies. I appreciate the support I have received from my family and friends, as well as the support I’ve received from my teammates and so many others. Now, I am looking forward to getting back into my normal routine of school and swimming.
  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Regardless if they weren't "robbed," they were still forced with a gun to pay for damages. Which might be completely acceptable in a place like Rio.

A poster being torn is a far cry from bathroom vandalism.
Regardless if they weren't "robbed," they were still forced with a gun to pay for damages. Which might be completely acceptable in a place like Rio.

A poster being torn is a far cry from bathroom vandalism.
They did more than that.
Why are you talking about this....

#5 from The Netherlands is playing womans Volleyball....silence!


2 hrs out from Naymar crushing Germanys soul......payback from oh 14.....O_o:ninja: