2016 Rio Olympics thread -

Why don't I ever see these types of things on the rare opportunities I have to watch Olympic coverage?

The belly flop saga continues, complete with loud smack. :blkeye::blkeye:

This is last year's gold medalist in his event. A lot of shit can happen in four years, I guess.

Looks like there is more to the story, new video does show them at a gas station with hands up and sitting on ground...something about they damaged property. Looking for good link.
Looks like there is more to the story, new video does show them at a gas station with hands up and sitting on ground...something about they damaged property. Looking for good link.

There was some coverage today on NBC, that suggests the group was defacing/damaging property behind the gas station. Alcohol seems to have been a player in their behavior. The gas station attendant called the police to contain/deal with the swimmers. It seems two split off an fled the scene on foot, while two others were trying to flee in their waiting taxi. The two that decided to flee via the taxi were the ones who were held at, what sounds like gun point. There is speculation that paper money was exchanged between the two taxi riders and gun holders. After that exchange, the two swimmers then left in their taxi. At least Michael Phelps was not among the group.
What a tool, just tell the truth....now you look like a jack ass.

“At least one of the athletes may have had a motive for telling a story that wasn’t true,” Mr. Veloso said, raising the possibility that the accounts were fabricated to disguise that the swimmers had remained at the party until almost sunrise on Sunday. Mr. Veloso did not specify which of the swimmers might have had that motive.

“The truth is that this crime in Brazil is not that serious,” said Judge Marcello Rubioli, the head of the special court handling the case involving the four American swimmers, referring to making a false claim. “It results in very little punishment.”



ETA: I think I'm in lust with a member of the Netherlands' women's volleyball team.
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