2016 Rio Olympics thread -

LOL - she is definitely not "refined". One look at the pics from The Fappening (in comparison to the other female celebrities caught up in that) will tell you all you need to know about Ms. Solo.

Trying to unsee said images. Thanks a lot.
Also, I really hope Justin Gatlin loses, dude is a disgrace. He has no shame.
Womens Tennis Medal Ceremony; without a Williams on the podium.

An era has ended. The Williams sisters have been so strong, for so long. They brought a lot of Olympic Gold back to the USA for such a long time.
This may be a function of the sport itself.

When I was learning judo as teen, our Sensei or Senpai would have taken us aside for a very stern lecture should we have outwardly celebrated after winning a match. Such a display would represent disrespect for our opponent and lack of self discipline, two major no-gos in judo.

Perhaps Ms. Harrison really does have MMA aspirations after all.

I'm still impressed how rapidly Harrison turned the tables on her French Opponent:


To play, you have to click on the underlined "Watch this on You Tube".
The throw by the US woman shotputter to win the gold sounded amazing. Unfortunately can't watch it due to fucking Sky tv holding back even highlights from the rest of the media.