2016 Rio Olympics thread -

It is making fun of that Russian girl, and any other dopers really.

I know - just bugs me because it seems like athletes and actors who live on a high horse, eventually get knocked off - embarrassing.
Out of respect for our kiwi brethren I will not snigger at the NZ Sevens loss to Japan. I do have grave concerns for the bank account of SBW as a Gold medal would have added millions. RIP. (now back to the real footy cunt!)

But then proceeded to destroy Kenya (more sniggering). :whatever:

Next up for NZ is Great Britain, which is sort of known for great players.

So, yeah, they may want to figure out what's gone horribly wrong before that turns into an even bigger fiasco.
It is making fun of that Russian girl, and any other dopers really.

There is doping, then there is doping. That newly-banned Meldonium has very questionable results regarding giving an unfair advantage. Not like taking HGH for the lifters. And although the FDA doesn't recognize it, apparently it's quite popular in Europe for a variety of medical applications.

Still, rules be rules and if you can't win by them, then doom on you....
There is doping, then there is doping. That newly-banned Meldonium has very questionable results regarding giving an unfair advantage. Not like taking HGH for the lifters. And although the FDA doesn't recognize it, apparently it's quite popular in Europe for a variety of medical applications.

Still, rules be rules and if you can't win by them, then doom on you....

NPR had a story on meldonium (and other doping techniques) this morning. Basically, most research papers on meldonium are in Russian, so many doctors don't read what the reports are (because translation sites don't exist :wall:). Certain sports like cycling where doping was rampant for years has under gone a change in the sport and gotten away from doping. Whether that's true or not I'm not so certain but whatever. The best way to get doping out of sports is for the fans to bitch loud enough about it that change is finally made. MLB is a prime example of going away from the use of PED's. During the mid to late 90's, Americans were eating up the home run era. Eventually people grew tired of watching 37 year old men blast 73 home runs in a season. Just like Lance Armstrong was our guy until it was revealed he doped his way to his Tour de France titles. I'm glad to see we as a country are looking so negatively towards PED's and other performance enhancing aids in sports. That's why college hockey is my favorite sport. I love to watch the amateurism while the athletes are still performing at a high level. The Olympics used to be the same way with many of the events not allowing professionals.

WAR GERBI! Israel took bronze in judo!
I thought archery would be interesting until I saw that kickstand/ camera tripod crap on their bows. Meh.

(Yes, I know they are a counterbalance or whatever. It is still crap.)