16 days out, gents.
I know we've all been training like hell for this moment, but make sure you don't neglect all your admin requirements and gear lists. Last thing you want to do is show up to A&S(or any other military school for that matter) unprepared. I know the recruiters have screened our packages, but keep in mind the recruiter to candidate ratio; there is always potential room for human error. Ultimately it's OUR responsibility to ensure we're ready to go come selection.
Check and re-check to ensure that you've got your completed NSW physical and your dental/medical records(with a current PHA!)
If you haven't already done so, make sure you get with your S-1 and get your Government Charge Card, your DTS account, Flight Reservations, and Orders. If your unit is slacking, let your recruiter know ASAP! Once you have all these documents, look them over and VERIFY THEIR ACCURACY. Check for errors on orders, itineraries, etc. Again, let's all start off on the right foot at A&S. Also, pack and repack your gear now, make sure you have everything on that list and anything else that you need(provided it's allowed at A&S) It's better to take the time now while we've got it, Marines.
Remember, first impressions are lasting impressions. Don't let all that training you've endured go to waste by looking like a bag of ass on the first day. The cadre will ALWAYS be evaluating you, and not just on your physical performance! You don't want to be thrown into their crosshairs on day one. Take the time to prepare in this aspect, as it's better to find out you're dicked up and fix yourself here, rather than at A&S.
I realize you guys are more than likely already on top of this stuff, but I figured I'd throw these out just in case. This will be the most difficult challenge we take on, let us humble ourselves and act on all the advice we can get.
Looking forward to enduring hell with you, brothers.